Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weird recurring dreams of me being shot,having amnesia,being paralyzed, and fire?

I've these 4 recurring dreams. One is where I'm being shot at school while saving a friend, one where I get knocked out OR pretending to have amnesia, another where I get into a car accident and get paralyzed, and the other where I rescue the same friend from a fire.

Shot; It was at lunch time and we were about to go back to class when a man with a gun comes and threats my friend until he gets what he wants. My friend refuses. The man is about to shoot him and I jump and push my friend out of the way. I got shot in the arm and pass out and wake up in the hospital. END. BTW: the dream took place in the 7th grade.

amnesia; It was about time to sign up for school, so me and my grandma drove to my school. We walk in and everything goes fine. Then someone with a basketball accidentally hits my head hard enough to knock me out. The rest of the dream is about trying to get me to remember. END. BTW: this dream took place at eighth grade sign up.

paralyzed; The date in the dream was January 27, 2012. and I was coming home from school with my cousin instead of my grandma because she was too busy. We are on our way home and the roads were icy.Then all of a sudden, a drunk driver comes out in the middle of no where and hits us. I end up getting thrown out the window even though I had my seat belt on. I wake up in a hospital, and I couldn't move my legs. I called for a doctor and she said that I was paralyzed from the waist down. But there was hope for me because not all my nerves were damaged. My cousin was fine and had minor injuries. I didn't back to school for the rest of the year until 9th grade. around Christmas/ Winter Break, I went to therapy to learn to walk again. I regain some recovery and went from wheelchair to crutches. My nephew was almost 2 years old and barely walk a few steps before falling down. My family is worried about him, including me. and when he came to Visit, and every adult was outside, I told him that I will learn to walk without crutches for him and when I do, I want you to get up and walk to me and we will walk out hand n' hand. He didn't reply, but in the dream I knew he understood. I eventually go back to therapy and over time I can walk again. My family comes to pick me up and I tell them to bring my nephew and they did. I stepped out of the elevator to see my family and a walked a few steps towards them. My nephew yelled at his mom to be brought down to the ground. She put him down, and has she put him down, he got up and walked to me and we did walk out hand n' hand. END. I woke up crying the first few times I had this dream. It was sad. :'(

Fire; This dream took place in October 2011. at my aunt's house and at my friend's aunt house where I have never been. I went to my aunt's house and I fell asleep. on the couch. (this is a dream with in a dream) I had a dream where my cousin came over and I was outside, handed me a water bottle and went inside. Two minutes later, a fire truck and a ambulance drove by with their sirens on. We decided to follow them. We came up to the house and somehow knew it was my friend's aunt's house. they couldn't find him. I knew where he was and went into the burning house. He was pushed into the broom closet by a friend that was visiting and the closet locked from the outside so he was locked in. I unlock the door, pull his unconscious body out and carry him to outside where he was taken by paramedics and lived. Then I woke up in the dream, ran outside and it happened, like in my dream inside my dream.

Sorry if these dreams are confusing. I've been having these dreams since last month. I'm 13/f. To me, these dreams are unusual. Thanks for the help!Weird recurring dreams of me being shot,having amnesia,being paralyzed, and fire?
Most dreams are messages from the subconscious mind, which picks up on cues and clues that the conscious mind is in denial of. Basically, I believe that there are FOUR types of dreams: 1. symbolic dreams; 2. dreams that rehash the day's events; 3. messages from the subconscious that are straight messages and not symbolic, and finally, 4 psychic/premonition dreams or dreams that actually predict coming events.

I have had many psychic dreams. It is a gift. Those who do not or have not had them do not understand the gift.

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