Friday, March 9, 2012

How severe would you call this trauma?

If a boulder falls from a mountain on your house(more specifically room, bed) with the strength of 20 ton, causing your house to collapse almost entirely, and you somehow managed to save yourself, but the person in the bed in the bed beneath you(bunk bed) doesn't, how traumatized could I be? Could you call this major trauma? I did have amnesia, so I don't really remember much about it.

And do doctors call a leg broken in two places, a broken chin, a concussion, a swollen brain and two blood clots in my brain "minor injuries"?How severe would you call this trauma?
wow..... first off any type of injury to the brain is never good. sometimees doctors forget that you don't see things like this every day. to them a embolusm is major, needing surgery, blood clots just need drugs, although to you its your brain and anything that happens to it is"Major" for you. second, seek councling that is a big time traumatic incident. anytime your involved in an incident that there is loss of life it can affect you the rest of your life. so in the end on a scale of 1-10 1 being no trauma and 10 being maximum trauma, id give you a 9. the only reason its not a 10 is because you still have all of your limbs, thats the only thing that could make it worse. good luckHow severe would you call this trauma?
Wow you lucked out.Your injuries are serious but not life threatening.As far as your survivor

Well being this may not show up or it might start.Be thankful you lived to tell about it.How severe would you call this trauma?
It sounds quite seveire.

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