Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Do cats have strokes? or Amnesia?

My Mothers cat disappeared for awhile not sure how long, I don't think it was more than a fews days. When Charlie came back, he was dragging his back legs, and was blind, now he is walking on all of them, and can see, and has remembered how to eat and wants to eat all the time, he also forgot how to use the cat liter and goes to the bathroom all over the house, but mainly in her bedroom. Does anyone know what may have happened to Charlie, and if he is going to get even better or should we put him to sleep, we don't want to do this and yes we took him to the vet, and they aren't sure what happen to him either.Do cats have strokes? or Amnesia?
sound like he may have been hit By a vehicle of some sort of electrical shock. Even poison can have this effect.

And yes cats can have strokes and brain damage .
Yes cats can have strokes but im not sure about amnesia! Maybe he was hit by a car but that doesnt explain why he was blind, are you sure he was actually blind?Do cats have strokes? or Amnesia?
Sounds like Charlie needs to go to the vet for a physical. Animals can have strokes (my cat had one and died), but he could also have a spinal injury or a neurological problem. Best person to talk to would be Charlie's veterinarian. This is something that you should not self diagnose.
You need to find another vet. They need to do blood work to see if he's been poisoned and he should be x rayed to see about back problems.Do cats have strokes? or Amnesia?
maybe your cat has psychological problems, i know mine did, and then she mauled the mailman...
Yes, cats do have strokes. It is also possible that he ate something poisonous.

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