Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Did this really happen? Do I have amnesia or something or have I lost my head?

I keep having these re-occuring images of someone coming into our house and sneaking around. I can't see their face properly but I have this unbelievable sense of terror. I have these images...kinda like memories...while I am perfectly awake. They are at the back of my mind and Im rather convinced that this happened when i was young. But i can't really get the complete picture, so im not sure 100%. It is not a dream or anything, I think about it when i am awake.

what is going on?Did this really happen? Do I have amnesia or something or have I lost my head?
While there is such a thing as waking dreams, this could be a regressed memory. Sometimes when something awful or frightening happens when we're young your mind buries it in order to protect you but when you're older and your mind believes you're mature or strong enough to deal with it the memory is released like a cryptic puzzle. Then again it could have been triggered by a traumatic and similar event. You should see a hypnotherapist. They can help you through regression to get the full story and be there to help you deal with it.
no now stop drinking at Chuckee CheeseDid this really happen? Do I have amnesia or something or have I lost my head?
you could be having premonitions. i do that all the time. watch out, it might really happen. i dont think you have amnesia. i think its premonitions.
I've never ever heard of anything like that happening......try talking to your docDid this really happen? Do I have amnesia or something or have I lost my head?
could be a repressed memory. ask your family about it or go to a hypnotherapist and find out if you believe in that stuff
Druged perhaps? Drunk? Go around your house now with a baseball bat!
wow that would be something

visions maybe??

if you believe in that stuff

im not sure

good luck
Somethings trying to tell you something. Keep your house locked up good!!!
Ok, I was there but that's cause I mistook your house for mine, you were only three and I wouldn't share my ice cream with you. Man you sure can hold a grudge!
Maybe check with a Doctor.. Or people you are really close to ...

Do they seem to think that you have been acting OK besides this.

Just in case I would go see a doctor.
I.m sure you haven.t lost your head.

You are either remembering something that happened when you were young anf frightened you or you are remembering a dream.

Ask your parents if anything ever occurred when you were young eg intruders. If no on e knows anything It might be that a relative was wandering round the house in the night and as a child you misconstrued what was happening.

Alternatively you could be regressed under hypnotherapy but this would be expensive and not ntecessarily conclusive.

Best to put the whole thing behind you and move on. If you cant do this , seek counselling.
i do that sometimes too. at night, i am convinced that someone is trying to break into my house. even if i hear absolutely nothing. its weird.

and a few years ago, i 3 dreams in about one week that i died in. and for like 6 months i was convinced i was going to die. i know you said yours wasnt a dream but its scary.

i just ignore my scary thoughts. so i would say nothing is wrong with you.
iThink That Somethinq In Your Childhood Bothered You

Or You Had Seen Somethinq Very Frightning OR

Your Mind Is Producinq Images Of How Scared You Are.

That Happends To Me Sometimes. Like After A scary Movie

iWould Make My Mind Porduce Images Of Scary Images ..

So Yeah ...
That is a vision quest, when your desires and you memories seem to combine in you subconscious to try and tellyou that you are searching for something real in your life. It can be real if you make it so or it could remain simply a dream if you don't. It is up to you as how to interpret the situation. Just remember the ending to such a dream is never written until it is experienced and then it is too late to save the dream anymore.

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