Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Help. A family member had a stroke and is having the weirdest amnesia. idk if it's real, but it's scaring me.?

She had a stroke a few weeks ago, then a couple heart attacks. Then a few major surgeries. She was fine until yesterday.

She forgot who everyone was. She didn't know her kids, she didn't know her friends, she didn't know who she was. But she kept talking about me in great detail. She was telling my family and the nurses things about me, and kept giving them coded messages to give to me. My family thought she was just out of it, but told me anyways. I know exactly what the messages mean. She told me a long time ago that when her time came, to do certain things, take certain things, and get certain things out of her house. And she told me the codes for them. Because she didn't trust anyone else with it but me.

Is this common with amnesia? It's scaring me. How can she forget everyone but me? Could this just be her ilness, and wait it out? Or should I do what she's asking?Help. A family member had a stroke and is having the weirdest amnesia. idk if it's real, but it's scaring me.?
Well...from what you are saying here that you and this family member had a deal that when she felt that her time was near,that you and she would use code words.This way you and she could communicate without anyone else knowing what you two are talking about.So,that being said..yes you should do as she has asked,and as for the amnesia?I do know that having a stroke can impair a person's memory.And some people just know when their time is close at hand,and maybe this is why she is telling you these things now.Maybe she knows that her time is coming so I really think that you should at least do what you and her discussed before this happened.And I am just taking a guess here...but it might be her illness that is causing her actions,but that doesn't mean that you should not do as she asked of you before.I really hope that she does get better,and that all this passes and she is ok....GOD bless you all....:).
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