Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dems in desperate need of medical care. Is there a Doctor in the house?

I've identified the following ailments that the Dems are suffering from:

Blindness: cant see the wasteful spending in the stimulus bill or the corruption going on in their own ranks, right under their noses

amnesia:: Cant seem to remember american history before Obama's inauguration day, or some before Bush was inaugurated

deafness: didnt hear the republicans complain to Bush about his spending or anything else he did wrong

broken arms: cant throw corrupted dems out of office

Loss of taste: still supporting the likes of pelosi, reid, and schumer.

dyslexia: inablility to read things they voted for

attention deficit disorder: acting before thinking of the consequences

multiple personalities: masquerading as Republicans

schizophrenia: thinks the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.

insanity: believing that doing the same failed socialist policies over again will bring about a different resultDems in desperate need of medical care. Is there a Doctor in the house?
The liberals on terrorism...

"We've finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don't want to fight it. They would, except it would put them on the same side as the United States." Coulter
We all need better medical care. Coming soon.Dems in desperate need of medical care. Is there a Doctor in the house?
And you? Suffering from? Denial.

McCain would have done the same thing.
Everyone of those things could be said republicans, and have been in numerous documentaries of the last 8-years,Dems in desperate need of medical care. Is there a Doctor in the house?
So then I can expect your vote for universal healthcare so they can all get treatment.

And let's not forget delusion: thinking that posting this kind of crap about your fellow Americans and your president actually accomplishes something.
There's not a Doctor in the world that can help them, they are lost to us.


US Army

It's a good thing you only play a doctor on YA's.
I agree with the post from Ore.

And then some!
It's because Democrats have Bowed Down and Bent Over for their Cult Leader, the Messiah Obama.

The blood squeezed their brains out.
OH MAN!If you think I am paying for this YOU ARE WRONG! I am already dumping all of my tax dollars into senior citezens scooters from the scooter store!
I seem to be suffering from common sense, because apparently I seem to think that both sides are to blame and your argument is just another biased view.
You mean all this time I have been making fun of the mentally ill? I just thought that they were drug addicts.
You need a doctor ... it looks like your "behind" is still sore. It's been sore since November and started aching a bit more about a month ago!!

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