Friday, March 9, 2012

Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?

Today is Saturday, and Wednesday night my fiance got into a car accident. The accident wasn't serious, he slid into a ditch and hit his head. Unfortunately, he lost everything between Sunday afternoon to Wednesday night (including the accident). He was diagnosed with a concussion, and was just sent home despite the amnesia. The following day, he forgot most of the hospital visit and us being home. Throughout the day, he would start something and then forget what or why 5 minutes later (example: when to El Burrito Loco and when he got into the parking lot, he forgot why he was there).

He saw a GP yesterday and he said everything was fine and hte memory loss was normal. But it started to get worse. When he dropped my off at my parents a few hours later, he called me about ten minutes later asking how to get home (literally road to road to the actually house). He went into work today and said he didn't remember much of anything of yesterday except a bit of his appointment.

He was very upset on Wednesday right before his accident. And he was pretty upset when he dropped me off. Could the memory loss be due to the concussion and the scans just didn't catch it because it was right away, or could it all be caused due to being upset? And if it's because of him being upset, what should I do? And does it last a long time?

I'm so lost and kind of desperate... he's completely thrown off, and I feel like our world is sort of upside down. I need some advice and direction.Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?
You need to tell the doctors about his memory loss. His brain could be swelling from the concussion, which can be very serious and cause permanent damage.Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?
he probably is still "in the moment" (like his brain can't remember but tries very hard then get "Hit again")
You could try and give him details on what happened on those days and tell him to move on from the night and care for himWhy Does He Keep Forgetting..?
I don't know a whole lot about concussions, but I think that would cause i little more memory loss than just forgetting things that happened before.

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