Friday, March 9, 2012


My dog Zoe has had an ongoing cough that the vet can't seem to know what it is, we have tried countless antibiotics so our last resort has been PREDNISONE (steriod) to clear up any infection, she has been on it for 8 days know and the last couple of days she is totally different, She acts like the dominant dog (out of our 3) when she never cared and was totally submissive, the other dogs were her buddies now they seem to growl at eachother all the time. Not to mention she acts like she knows nobody in the house, its like she has amnesia lapses, i'll walk pass her and she goes nuts, its really scary then she'll come up to me and want me to pet her. You can't get close to her or she freaks out and she is always sitting by herself now and that was never the case. We stopped it giving it to her for good, i just want my sweet baby back, has anyone had or heard of this before.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
Yes, Corticosteroids can cause mood swings although not very common. I hope you didn't abruptly take her off. That can cause problems. They need to be weaned off steroids.

No mauve Corticosteroids does not cause rage. Anabolic steroids do and that is what the bodybuilders/athletes use - not Corticosteroids.

Prednisone is not an antibiotic and will have no effect on any infections. In fact, you will be more prone to infection with Prednisone because it suppresses the immune system.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
Corticosteroids can cause psychosis in people and it may be possible in dogs. It can cause hunger and she may be reacting to that in being more possessive. She may also have some kind of endocrine problem. Be sure to let your vet know about the problems and have him recommend where to go from there. ie. we have a vet school about 35 miles away that would be the best place for a referral.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
That's what steroid's do. Ever heard of "roid rage"?. Very Common in athletes who take steroids for a long time...

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