Friday, March 9, 2012

I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?

I woke at my friends house after going to a party but big chunks of the night are gone.My friends were laughing about some incident I dont recall at all.I didnt drink hardly any (bout 3 wkd and a beer)so Iwasn't that drunk.I dont remember getting home and I dont feel sick or anything.My friends think its a laugh that I was so drunk I don't remeber but I wasn't that drunk at all.Even this morning bits r missing.I am a bit scared (well if I'm honest alot scared)did someone do this ?will it keep happening I,ve got a test at school tomorrow.

Cant tell teacher or parent as parents don't know I was at the party they think I was at my friends revising for this test and her parents think we were at this other girls.I think Ive screwed upI got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
Oh hun! I'm so sorry. Honestly it sounds like someone put something in your drink! First off, you need to tell someone. What they did was illegal! You could have been raped, or worse!

You need to get to a doctor if these memory lapses are still happening.
You do know you've already asked this question?I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
I read this earlier and have been a touch worried. Is there the remotest possibility your drink was tampered with??
It sounds like one of your drinks was possibly spiked. I would come clean to your parents, they might be a bit more understanding that you think.I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
You must have it. You've asked this question already.
Nah, you just can't take your booze, love. Get over it.

And if you're at school, why the hell were you drinking? Idiot.
Younger people are more affected by drink as they tend not to be used to it. I rather think someone spiked your drink, and I don't think they are friends or they would have told you. Get on with your revising and get a good career and money and enjoy life without the devastating affect drinking can do to your life. Tell your parents what happened because if you do, they may explain to the school why your are sick and maybe sit the test another day. Please don't get involved with this scene when you should be getting a good education for lovely clothes and all the benefits of behaving for a couple of years. You can have better fun in life than getting so drunk you can't remember, that is quite serious.
I don't want to scare you but it sounds like you were drug-ed. I would tell my parents no matter how hard it will be because you don't know what happened and what if you wind up pregnant or worse. Please get rid of these so called friends. They are not your friends. Friends would not have let you get so "drunk". If you were. Please, get help now.
It's very possible someone slipped something into your drink, rupies, acid, something that would interrupt your short term memory. You should see a doctor and get your blood tested, especially due to the fact that your "friends," and I use the term loosely, won't tell you what happened. THey don't sound like friends at all, and this sounds like a potential legal matter. If they did do something, you need to tell someone before they think it's okay and do it to someone else. Break the chain before more people get hurt, and good luck!
You should be more careful about choosing your "friends." I hope this is a lesson to you, and I hope you come out of wiser %26amp; unharmed. Unfortunately there's really no easy urine or blood test for ghb or other things people might have put in your drink without you knowing. Kids today! You gotta wake up! It's also possible alcohol just affects you differently from most people. Women especially can be hard hit by booze, but they like to drink just like men and think they won't get twice as drunk as the men they hang out with.
honestly? were you not that drunk? If not then you should see a doctor for the morning after pill (it works for a couple of days). If you have any bruising around your inner thighs then you should report the incident to the police aswell. It sounds like you may have been drugged.

First thing is Talk to your parents. It's hard but they are there to help you and you may be pleasantly surprised at how well they step up to the plate.
Talk to your parents. They are your best allies. It sounds like your drink was spiked. You'll have to go to a doctor too because the drug is probably in your system.

Think about the people who were at that party with you and in the future, try to remain cautious of them. Somebody spiked your drink for a laugh. That's not how friends act.
Hello Lilly,

I am not a doctor, so can not really advise you.

I dont know how old u are, but I have a feeling you are in your early teens. I can promise you that if you are very young and drinking, its a big mistake. I have been there and made the mistake and its only the benefit of hindsight that allows me to warn you.

I think it is wise to be very carefull about the amount of alcohol you drink , assuming u are under 18 and certainly if you are under 16. I would go one step further and say you really MUST NOT drink anything at all at 16, it really isn't very wise..below 18, be very careful. It is possible to have lots of fun without getting drunk.

I don't think you need to worry if you are going to leave the booze alone, but you can visit your doctor and you can tell him/her he mustn't discuss it with anyone including your mum and dad.

If you are having any headaches or similar then u must tell your mum and dad /see the doctor. Likewise if you have any more gaps then u should do so..

Things like epilepsy are /can be , triggered by alcohol , especially on a young brain, so treat your body with respect and care, you only have one..

There are alos drugs that are put into girls drinks, I am sure your friends are not like that, but maybe some of the other people at the party are not so nice, so watch your drink (lemonade in future ) at all times to avoid it being spiked.

good luck

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