Friday, March 9, 2012

A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?

1. Follow them around the house..everywhere.

2. Moo when they say your name.

3. Pretend to have amnesia.

4. Say everything backwards.

5. Give yourself a swirly.

6. Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling "the sun! It's dying!!"

7. Run into walls.

8. Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the house in your underwear.

9. Have nervous spasms at anonymous times.

10. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.

11. Pretend to worship the Devil.

12. Stand over them at 4 in the morning with a HUGE grin on your face and say "Good morning Sunshine!"

13. Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder.

14. Run in circles.

15. Recite a whole movie 3 times.

16. Pretend to beat yourself up.

17. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"

18. Slither everywhere.

19. Wear a sticker that says "I'm a retard!"

20. Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist. tell them you're making a fashion statement

any others?A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
That's just going to land you in a straight jacket.

My personal favorite was cussing around my grandparents, and then saying "Well MOM says it ALL THE TIME!" when they'd scold me for it, heh.
DUDE!! I could barely breathe, I was laughing so hard! Rotflamo, rotflamo!!A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
LOL, that is hilarious! I used to repeat everything my mom said when she was on the phone....drove her NUTS
wow. it depends on your age. it youre 8, then whatever. they will probably just think youre a normal kid getting on their nerves. if youre 16, they may take you to go see a therapist. hahaA list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
pretend to be asleep when you got to get up for school i did when i was at school. but now my 4 kids do half what you have posted an it drives me mad
heres some:

1. Say "what or why" after everything they say

2. Start talking during TV shows, and stop when they pause and during commercials.

3. Move stuff around in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

4. Stare at them for long periods of time.

5. Narrate every move they make. (E.g.: She walks into the kitchen and moves towards the cupboards. She opens it and pulls out two, no three plates. Along that line.........)

Hehehe, enjoy!
why do u wan't to make ur parents crazy.These things will surely drive anybody crazy.







AND 20

Umm,I think that would annoy anyone period.

Other one to add:Forget your chores
Ah what a wonderous student...and a total waste of talent...go to work !!!!

Find out how to become responsible for yourself....LOL
hahaha i do the mooing thing to my mom all the time thats funny
Good ideas!

My favorite is to talk about the stupid school projects I did back in second grade and how cute I was... it drives them crazy!
Yeah, that would annoy my parents. But then they would just look at me like im an idiot like they always do! lol =]

It sounds like fun though...
21. Insist on speaking Indonesian "because it's your native language" (Yeah, right).

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