Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My friend has amnesia?

Me and a friend ran away from home, we slept in abandoned houses and looked for work during the day. one night he had a fever and he was freaking out, in the morning he was realy quiet and didn't say much, a little later he told me that he couldn't remember anything (e.g. where we were, who i was) except his name (he'd guessed his name was Robert because thats what i kept calling him) i explained everything and we decided to go home because it was too hard trying to survive when we didn't have much money and he had couldn't remember anything... that was 3 months ago, and he still cant remember anything.

is this amnesia? if so, what caused it and will he ever get his memory back?My friend has amnesia?
Could be a couple of reasons for this. Any form of memory loss is indeed amnesia. It sounds like in your friend's case there are two possibilities: he could have had a viral infection of the brain which could have caused this temporary memory loss, which is a very dangerous condition and the memory loss could be permanent! Or he could have had what's called a "dissociative fugue," which is when you temporarily forget things because of extreme psychological stress. I wouldn't even raise that as a possibility except that it's associated with behavior like running away from home.

Either way, he really needs to see a doctor! If his memory loss is temporary, it will take medical help to get it back. If it's permanent, he could have more serious damage that needs to be diagnosed. Get him to a doctor ASAP!My friend has amnesia?
that`s possible,

doctor can only tell,

he needs to be examinedMy friend has amnesia?
Yes, he has amnesia. I found this on the web: amnesia definition on Answers. com I think it could help you understand it a little more
you should get him to a doctor ASAPPPPPPPPPPP!!


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