Friday, March 9, 2012

Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?

i don't understan why me and my twin sister have been picked on because we are tall ,thin and dark skinned women we are 32 year old women but we look really young about 23.we each have children 3 for me and 4 for kids are 11,10,(girls) and 2 1/2 son her kids are 13,10,17 month old girl (girls) and she has 1 son 8.way before we had children people picked on me and twin sister calling crackhead,ugly and cruel junior high high school and grown men and grown women and then whwen we confront these people they get amnesia like they don't know what were talking about.what should i do i have tried ignoring all i can .i take bus whatever i have to go.were tired of the giggling and laughing ****.i never had a felony but i believe i'm going to end up with one .me and my twin sister are good going women and we have good hearts and we are well known by people who like why is the world messing with us like we are singled out.i hate to leave my house.i weigh 100 and my twin weigh 125 .Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?
Everyone, and I do mean everyone has been or will be picked on for something that others see as a flaw, or what is not the "norm" of our very superficial society. Being a Black woman in this country is difficult enough without having to be criticized for your appearance. However, one of the most beautiful things about black women are their ability to stand out in a crowd of same old same old boring white faces. When you see a picture of 9 white faces and 1 black face, your eyes are immediately drawn to the black person. Because your children will undoubtedly see you being insulted and ridiculed in public, it will be of the utmost importance for you to ignore this behavior, hold your head high, and be proud of your beautiful black skin. Arguing and making a scene to verbally attack the person ridiculing you will not only make you look ridiculous, but will also stereotype you.
don't worry about those superficial your life with your head well is the best revenge...let the haters be the motivators...Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?
people are only doing to you what you allow them to do . ignoring is the best thing , i understand it is hard but your only other option would be to walk right up to them and ask them why they are laughing ..which could end up in a fight and you could end up with charges which isn't good for you or your kids...i look at it this way ..if my looks or the way i live my life helps anyone keep their minds off of their unhappy lives even if only for a few minutes that allows them to laugh a little then so be it i was glad i made someones day ... and besides that live your life and screw the rest
people r cruel and they see it getting to u so they run with it people who do that normally hate themselves fo some reason anyway its truly sadNit picking because i'm dark skin women?
Becasue the world is a cruel place, and people have to pick on other people to make themselfs better. just let it roll of your back. You know you guys are good people and good parents so dont worry about what they are saying.

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