Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?

Condi Rice profess "No Recollection" of the meeting with then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black. In the meeting, both men assert that there is credible indication that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. This was two months before the attack on Sept 11th.

Later, her schedule was pulled out and the meeting was indeed indicated between the three individuals.

Now, Gonzales sounds like a broken record yapping about No Recollection about making this decision and meeting with that subordinate.

Why is it that these White House individuals are so partial to selective amnesia?

Is it indicative of their working ethics and capabilities?

If you cannot remember things so significant (In Condi's case) or so recent (In Gonzales case), then why are you in that important and vital position?Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
It worked for Reagan, so all republicans try it out.
Very common. I remember even Reagan saying, "I don't remember" when asked about Iran-Contra (he said that while still president, just to be clear).Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
Every time I try to use that as an excuse my kids threaten to put me in a home.Ahhhh senility is such bliss.
It's always done...by people from both parties.

If it works, can't blame him. And it definitely works.Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
His answers were so Clinton I loved every minute of it how does it feel Dem's
This is customary when you have something to hide, and this administration is trying to hide their elephant behind an IPOD.

At least one was honest when she took the 5th saying she feared she would incriminate herself by talking. This group has committed so many crimes and infractions, that if any one remembered anything, everything would shortly collapse like a house of cards.
No If your name is Sandy Burglar then you can confess to stealing files to cover up for Clinton's 9/11 and get away with it even not having to recall what you stole.
Well, they cannot be prosecuted for perjury in that case! They know there is at least some evidence out there to prove them to the contrary, so they answer vaguely in hopes that it will all go away (which seems to have worked for Bush)
No recollection.
gee, ask hillary, she did it how many hundred times?? after she had the distinct honor of being the first first lady to be summoned, lie, before a grand jury. what a joke you are. what a joke the clintons are.
It worked for Bill and Monica and Hillary with her Rose Law firm records. Condi learned from the MASTERS!
didn't have to recall two months before. french intelligence advised american government on 1 september. even sent photos of Atta at paris airport that morning.

someday maybe the truth... .
"Ah did not have sex with that women...not won tahm."

Come on that was funny on Clinton time.

Why should anyone answer to a douche bag like Pat Lehey.

He is a shameful demagogue looking to get props from his peeps.

Or is the bich lap dog doing what Pelosi told him to do?

Good little doggy. What promise is the good little dog going to get in 2008. Pathetic!

Dems are proud to take this country down and have Al Qaeda dictate so they can blame Bush.

Your people are a disgrace!
Our past adminstrations used it effectivily and so has many others. This administration sure isn't worse than the last!!! They just outright lied!
Come on,.these people have so many meetings t would be impossible to remember a single one.

Are you still on HS. OK, what did you discuss in History during first class in October of last year?? Come on??? Come on?? Why are you stalling. Surely you remember!!!
I heard the phrase a lot when Clinton was in the whitehouse.

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