Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is there any pill or treatment to make me forgot memories? like amnesia?

l had an awful childhood, just plain awful. First off l was very very ugly. l was tormented by so many people because l was hideous, l was laughed at and insulted by so many people in school and in public for so many years every damn time l stepped outside of my house. it didn't help that l lived in a more wealthy area filled with snobs, girls and guys would laugh with their friends at me and when they were alone they would give me dirty looks. l looked like a man. Thankfully l got better looking as l aged but lm still kind of ugly and lm still treated horrible for my looks. lam very bitter and hate people so much. l feel like killing them l dont want to be around people and live very far away from them. l cant believe people even adults would be cruel to a little girl like this it sick because even when l was a young kid l was treated bad. Everyday these memories haunt me everyday, and l always wish that l should l have stood up to those people and instead of letting them me feel bad. l always feel so worthless and its so painful remembering all this.

l want a drug or some special treatment to make me forgot what happened a few years ago so l can start over with myself because no matter what l will always feel low self-worth and hideous for as long as l live and l would rather be dead than live like this. Is there such thing? getting amnesia is very rare and l dont want face the pain of hitting my head really hard. thanks lm 16 btwIs there any pill or treatment to make me forgot memories? like amnesia?
Love, I really think you should see your doctor %26amp; pour your heart out to him or her. They will understand how you're feeling, offer advice, maybe prescribe medication %26amp; counselling to help you with these issues you have %26amp; that still haunt you. And believe me, all that helps you feel better about being you. I had a pretty awful childhood myself %26amp; I lived in fear all the time. Years later, after trying to kill myself with alcohol %26amp; overdoses etc, I decided to seek real help through my doctor. I got prescribed medication, I stopped drinking %26amp; I saw a counsellor on a regular basis for a number of years. Now, I feel a lot better, about being me %26amp; the memories of my childhood don't haunt me anymore. More to the point, I'm happy %26amp; content being myself.Is there any pill or treatment to make me forgot memories? like amnesia?
I know how pain feels, especially when you are young but unfortunately this says with you forever. But don't think bad of it, think of it as experience knowing you survived and made it through all this, and that you are stronger than anyone there for that. I recommend talking to a therapist about your feelings and learning to overcome them.Memories can't always be beautiful but you can make them that way. ;)

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