Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Severe hyperventilation anxiety when i leave my house..agoraphobia?

I cant leave my house because I concentrate on my breathing too much I guess and hyperventilate.

Mainly when I get to far away from my home.It is like my safe zone. I can go maybe 5 houses down the street and that it. And Its impossible in a car..I have to walk it. I just start feeling like a cant breath deep enough..then I start panicking. They I start to hyperventilate. And It just feels like it take hours to get back home when It really only take a minute or less. I have been trying to go to my shrink. Its almost impossible for me to keep app. because I have to cancel because I cant leave. I try I really do ..but it seems like its the hardest thing to do. This all started about 5 years ago. This first 3 years I didnt leave my house at all. That was extremely hard. Now I leave maybe once a month. And I have to drink to do that. Or I couldnt even be driven out of the driveway. My shrink prescribed me klonopin the first time I saw her(9 months ago) It took me around 6 months before I would take it. I am very scared of taking pills. Im afraid they will cause me to get worse. Or to go crazy. Its all very scary for me. I took them for about a month and they were really starting to help some. I actually got to the point where I could drive MYSELF around the block where I live in a car. But I couldnt leave yet , not anywhere where I couldnt be home in 2 minutes. So I had to quit taking them so I could drink to go to the doctor(crazy I know).

I havent taken them regularly since then. I DONT drink on them. I wonder why its so easy to leave once youve had about 4 beers? I hate drinking and Its killing me. I have to stop.

I went to the doctor thursday and I was telling her how I was feeling( ALLOT WORSE) Like I couldnt even recognize myself anymore. I would look into the mirror at myself and it made me feel like I had amnesia , but I knew everything about my self. It was weird. Like I was actually going crazy! She said my anxiety was getting so bad that It was starting to cause Psychosis. The way I was feeling I could NOT deal with. And ive dealt with a lot of crap. On my own.

In the nine months I have been going to her see has prescribed, prozac,paxil,zoloft which I havent even taken because I am so afraid to even try. But since I told her about how I was feeling last time she prescribed Abilify which scares me even more because its is for bi polar and schizophrenia.

My father, brother, and sister are all bipolar and I have an uncle who is sckitzo. My doctor and counselor both said that I am not schizophrenic and I agree. My counselor and shrink both think that if I am bi polar its very mild and my problems are all very bad anxiety. I also have depression and BAD OCD ..but I can live with that. I cant sit at home and be a drunk to leave. Im scared of pills and the only one ill take is klonopin, but I cant take it long enough before I have another appointment. I dont think abilify is right for me because I have been feeling a little better since I saw her. I think I just sometimes go a little crazy from never going anywhere. That was the first time I had been out in 2 months. I am married ..and my mother lives down the street .. these are basically the only people I ever get to see. I have lost all my friends due to the fact that I cant leave and interact with them.

Im lost. Im only 23.

Would any of the drugs she prescribed b4 work? Should I take them? How do I get over the fear of taking them? I am only prescribed 0.5 klonopin a day if needed. Is that even enough to help me if I were able to take it everyday?

Please help me.

Thanks.Severe hyperventilation anxiety when i leave my house..agoraphobia?
B_dyer1@hotmail.comSevere hyperventilation anxiety when i leave my house..agoraphobia?
Ive never posted on here was just browsing

But this is a topic i know to much about,ive had panic attacks now for 12 years and had agoraphobia for 6 years i know all of the things you are saying are making you feel crazy fact is your not

i thought the same thing didnt leave my house for a long time some people would say its all in your head and i would get mad thinking they have no clue but the fact is they was right

once you understand that the panic cant harm you then you can control it no meds can do that

they just mask it was on many and it never did anything but made me feel like ok i got my pill im fine but the fact is i was always fine just think about it has your panic ever harmed you one time NO

it cant it is just sensations nothing else

i would say to you and anyone else with this please look over the site below i found it searching online while sleepless like most of you are im sure trying to find something that would fix this

before you think im just saying this to make money know that i do not know charles or do i work for the site i know this is the only thing anyone that has ever overcome this has do to do so charles was like us and developed this system after years of his panic i cant tell you how good it is it really opened my eyes instantly the fact that charles knew what was wrong with me without ever even speaking to me gave me a feeling of ok this guy might know what hes talking about just know that what you are feeling many others have the same thing many of the most talented people have the same thing and have overcome it to list a few off the top of my head

Paula Deen

Billy Bob Thornton

Nicholas Cage

Naomi Campbell

Johnny Depp

Sally Field

Naomi Judd

Oprah Winfrey

you can google around for the next 10 years and never find anything but good things about charles and the linden method


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