Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?

I woke at my friends house after going to a party but big chunks of the night are gone.My friends were laughing about some incident I dont recall at all.I didnt drink hardly any (bout 3 wkd and a beer)so Iwasn't that drunk.I dont remember getting home and I dont feel sick or anything.My friends think its a laugh that I was so drunk I don't remeber but I wasn't that drunk at all.Even this morning bits r missing.I am a bit scared (well if I'm honest alot scared)did someone do this ?will it keep happening I,ve got a test at school tomorrow.I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
Sound like the date rape drug. I have read much about reactions to it and they are typical of yours. They usually put it in your drink. You will have little memory of what happens. Ask someone at the party that is trustworthy.
Sounds like you might have been drugged! I suggest you talk to a trusted member of your family or maybe a teacher at school if you of that age?I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
I think there is a good possibility that you were drugged or you might be experiencing black out . If this continues please tell your parents about this.
People who haven't had that much experience with alcohol CAN have blackouts after not drinking very much. I'm guessing that you've only been experimenting with alcohol for a short time; your body is not used to it. It's possible that you were drugged but I very much doubt it, it was probably just the alcohol.

Did you have trusted people around you at all times that night? I hope there were friends around looking out for your well-being the whole time you were blacked out. If you go drinking again, TAKE IT SLOW and no more than two drinks. Please take it from me, I made some SERIOUS mistakes while drinking at your age. Please take care of yourself and KEEP TRUSTED FRIENDS around you at all times. Please be careful...I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
Ask your friends what really happened that night, and have them help you put the pieces together. Maybe you can trace it back to being drugged. Find out if this has happened to anyone else recently or in the past and narrow the group of people that were there that could have done this to you.

You are underaged. Please do not drink alcohol - it can ruin your life.
I agree with the people who say it sounds like the date rape drug thing. But booze can do funny things to you, even when you drank that much before no problem. Did you drink on an empty stomach - hits you harder than normal. Are you on any pills for anything - might be a reaction. Go to a clinic or something, your health matters more than getting in trouble with your parents, for real.

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