Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why do people in America have amnesia?

I'm so freaking tired of people on both sides of the aisle making up crap and being selective with their history

Someone asked a question about why Bush's approval ratings being the lowest in history,and this was one of the answers:

"WHY ?? beacuse of the sorry LIBERAL news media,,,"

The sorry "Liberal" media? Oh,you mean the media that cheerleadered the war like the New York Times did.The media that got behind Bush after 9/11. The media that criticized Stephen Colbert in 2006 for roasting Bush at the White House Correspondent's dinner.I mean yeah they didn't like him in 2006,but they still criticized Colbert. Oh and the "liberal" media that talked about Al Gore sighing during the debates and picking on him. What is with the paranoia that people have about the media?

The media goes for ratings first and then the bias follows. If the so called "liberal" media was so powerful and anti-Republican,then Bush would have never gotten re-elected or even had a first time.He would not have the highest approval rating for a president either

Another person said that Bush has low approval ratings because of the Democratic Congress.Um...what? Bush had an average 35% approval rating starting in the beginning of 2006 way before Democrats got elected to Congress. Are people forgetting why Democrats got elected to Congress in the first place? People didn't wanted Republicans who supported Bush's crazy spending policies out of office.

Oh and Democrats,are you forgetting that it was Bush and the Republicans in Congress who tried to regulate Fannie and Freddie,but it was the Democrats who stopped it because they were taking money from both of them. Or do you just ignore that part because it makes your side look bad? I'm a Democrat too, but Democrats have their hands dirty with the housing mess

I would appreciate it if people would give nice answers instead of childish name calling.I would also like it if there is at least one person out there that can admit that their side effed up real bad. You don't always have to defend your side. Loyalty like that is dangerous in my humble opinionWhy do people in America have amnesia?
There was a time when the people in the media at least tried to be impartial. The problem to-day is that some of the well known media people have taken sides and it has given people the impression that all media people are either liberal or conservative depending on what party one favors. Don't depend on the questions and answers to change because most of the people posting just want to see how many people they get mad.
Whacha talkin' bout Lewis?Why do people in America have amnesia?
I used to know, but now I can't remember why.
I must say that the Conservatives have turned into the conspiracy nuts. As for the Democrats, they're the sheep now.

Total politcal shift.Why do people in America have amnesia?
Well said.

BOTH sides messed up and we the lowly taxpayers got screwed without a kiss in the process.

Oh wait...I'm supposed to call you a childish name here...



You JANET you.

Don't say it. I just put myself in timeout.

"humble opinion".....now THAT'S funny. Thanks for the history lesson and the laugh.
Most have to work and can not pay the high cost of illegal drugs as they did while in college.
This is an inherent problem with countries that only have a two party system... it always inevitably devolves into a he said/ she said shouting match with the one that yells louder and longer winning just long enough to keep everyone's mind off the fact that nothing is resolved! It's like good cop bad cop... one takes the blame for something and lets the other point they're finger and scold them in order to create a false sense of trust and get the people to follow the agenda... in reality both cops are against you and they are just tossing the power and blame back and forth amongst each other... I am sure yo have noticed the reluctance on both parties part to have representatives from other parties or other presidential candidates involved in the races/ debates? think about it... two party systems encourage duality and divide nations over time into just about a 50/50 split... there simply aren't enough major parties to truly represent all the differences in peoples ideology... so it becomes a mindless endless game of blame and irresponsibility. I am tired I hope that made sense.
You deserve praise for standing up.

Yes I am mad that McCain signed on the bailout deal. That was his mistake.

President Bush did not hold the spending down. The media was hyped up for he war as were millions because of te terror attack. The Dems signed on too, just watch their speeches on the Senate floor.

Did anyone watch when the bailout was passed? They cheered and "waahooed" I was sickened.
While I don't fully agree with your thoughts about the media bias, I think you have a point with unquestionable party loyalty.

I for one am not thrilled with my party - when the Republicans were elected to congress, they were supposed to clean up from Clinton's mess and cut spending. But instead, they spent just as much as the Democrats.

Also, I was not at all thrilled with our nominee for President - John McCain is not my idea of a conservative.
janet, yes republicans and democrats alike remember the

other parties flaws and faults, but forget their own parties

flaws and faults. good question on your behalf janet.
The media has a way of bending and twisting things to make a good story, and when it comes to separating parties they are very much interested in stirring the pot to create turmoil and distrust.
well Ill address the question rather than any jabs at Bush.

Its not just America its global, as a race we have a pop culture mentality that only focus's on current trends. Take WWII, Hitler came to power and was openly motivated to re-establish Germany's standing as a super power in the world. Well he wouldn't have been able to achieve any of this had the rest of the world kept WWI in their minds. He blatantly ignored treaties and built up their military while the nations that forced the first surrender turned a amnesiacs eye.

Islam as a terror group has existed for over 1000 years, their tactics have changed little and history has shown us exactly how to deal with them. We choose to ignore history and show terrorist kindness and respect.

Prior to the 1960's in the USA if you were put on Death row you were executed pretty damn fast by todays standards, our prison system had strict rules and those who spent time in prison were punished, they were forced labor and were not entitled to all the privileges we heap upon them today. Today the return rate is insanely high because again we treat these animals as though they have the same rights as those of us who didn't rape, kill, kidnap, rob or many other violent crimes.

History shows that while in office Lincoln was the most despised and hated president, if we had todays pop star mentality media covering him how well do you think he would have fared?

The Democrats have the former leader of the KKK on their side of the aisle while the vast majority of government intervention on the behalf of minorities has occurred on the republican side. Yet we are always told that the Dem's are for minorities and the Rep's are for the rich white guys.

Its not that we have short memories, its that we as a people are lazy and prefer to be told something rather than make an effort on our own behalf.
The Republicans effed up badly with McCain.

The main stream media did not inform voters of anything except Palin is evil and bad.


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