Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is my best friend's ex boyfriend faking amnesia to forget about her and her friends shes had him meet?

He always thought that Dylan didn't want him around anymore as a friend, because he thought she thought he was boring. So he would always say things like, "She would be happier without me in her life" and like one day he came over her house and he slipped and fell and hit his head on the cement. But 5 days later he randomly comes on AIM and says "who are you" to her and to everyone else he knows... At first me and Dylan thought he was faking it to get attention, but would someone really go as far as to fake amnesia JUST to forget about us. He even said "is there a reason for me to even Remember Dylan...? did she even like me?" those kind of questions make me wonder... Is that him pretending to not remember her? like to forget her and to forget everyone else who she made him meet? we all had a good friendship though... so thats what makes me so confused. why would he do something so desperate??? if anyone would answer this.. that would make my day =D thanks!! =DIs my best friend's ex boyfriend faking amnesia to forget about her and her friends shes had him meet?
Yes, someone would do that. I don't know how long they would get away with it, but, I think a person would try it. Is there any way to find out if he's seen a doctor since he fell? Maybe his family would be able to tell you if he has memory problems in other areas as well. Also, if she finds out that he's trying to dump her like this, she could play it off and pretend to believe his amnesia and tell him some big whoppers like that they were engaged and that she's pregnant now and that it's his baby, and really give him a good scare. Then you could really see how much fake he can take!

Before you try to fake him back, though, make sure that he is just using this to dump her and her friends.Is my best friend's ex boyfriend faking amnesia to forget about her and her friends shes had him meet?
I think he's lying about the amnesia, especially if he can remember everything else, just not you and everyone. And is he doing it to his other friends?Is my best friend's ex boyfriend faking amnesia to forget about her and her friends shes had him meet?
Ya know, why don't you just humor him(maybe he is faking it ...but you may never know....)! Just go along with his scherade...people do what they do...and whatever you do,keep it inside that you feel "different" about what is possiby "really" happening here...don't push it!

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