Saturday, March 3, 2012

I am pretending to have amnesia in order to get out of a relationship. Is that wrong?

My girlfriend has gotten so fat, that I am faking having amnesia while staying at my mothers house for a while, until I figure out what im going to do.

The other thing is that shes rich. So what should I do, stay or go?I am pretending to have amnesia in order to get out of a relationship. Is that wrong?
never stay for $

she will control the relationship with that kind of power

be a Man.. and tell her its over
If you do not want your girlfriend, let her go and do not ever continue with a relationship just for money because you will destroy your personality and blame yourself in the future.I am pretending to have amnesia in order to get out of a relationship. Is that wrong?
lol that is such a dumb question. hey i know, why dont you stand up and be a man.I am pretending to have amnesia in order to get out of a relationship. Is that wrong?
my advise is learn to lick it right man,,,you stay at your moms house,you are probably not the hard worker ,you wish to be.the girl ,,,that tells me you have Little respect for women and that you are young.undicided,unshure...advice learn to love the fat man,,,,,no changes to the diet.....just my skinny on it,,cheers oh it will not end well,,,,,so plan ahead,,,,,u pig,,,,one of the Lady's here called you that,just thought i would throw that in...
Be a male prostitute or tell the truth.
Marry her, then lock her in a room til she gets skinny again.
it sounds like you have already picked "go". keep on truckin'
are you kidding me??? Be a man and grow a pair - if you don't want to be with her then don't. Sounds like she's better off without you anyways.
Dude just dump her. Faking amnesia seems a bit extreme and a little to easy to be caught I would say.
I read that book. It wasn't that good.
That's too freakin funny! You're awesome,A for effort even if you don't get away with it! LOL
amnesia, hmm sounds like you are about to get busted for the trickery
koo koo koo koo
you are horrible. this wont end well. hah. go dude.....
This sounds like a joke.If not , stay for the cash.
That is very mean.. U should be honest u pig!!!!
You are a spineless twit, carry your a**.
Shame on you! Hiding behind a fabricated story? Shame! Shame!
neither money or looks are more important than real love, that should be your focus. deceiving is wrong. the truth is hard to say sometimes, but at least if you decide to, just tell her your not interested anymore, "its time we moved on" type speech.
Give me her phone # and I will hook up with her.
Never stay because of money, it's the beging of all evil! have issues. First off, what girl believes someone who is faking amneisia?? Its not like is a common thing unless you've had severe head trauma.. dont deserve to have her money shared with you. You are shallow and superficial.
LOL; right is it working.. I doubt it..women aren't that dumb
Sounds like a lame and dishonest way to handle things. But it is YOUR life.
Be honest with her
It is definitely not wrong.

But I would consider how sincere her love is. If it is indeed, convincing her to lose weight should not be a problem. With so many cures for losing weight available today, and with her money, she should not have any difficulty losing weight.
man you need to get a grip on reality, she already knows what you are up to and is planning to have you committed to the looney bin
wrong section
Gee, what do you think? would you like someone to be that way with you, if the tables were reversed?

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