Friday, March 9, 2012

I would like to know if anybody knows what movie is this?


about a year ago, I saw a movie that started in the snow, where a man was walking by when founds a parachute with a man(spy or soldier I think).Then he brings him to his home and take care of his wounds, when he woks up he is with amnesia(I think) but he can hack the Router of the house in order to have network to search for who he is.

I don't know names of actors or directores, etc, but I would like to know if any one knows what's the name of the movie or at least, the name of the main actor.

The movie is action/espionage with cospiracy I think, if that could helpI would like to know if anybody knows what movie is this?
Since you mentioned a router, that would indicate that the film is from recent years, but the only ones that come to mind that deal with a character with amnesia are from the Jason Bourne trilogy (The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum). However, I don't recall anything from those movies that involves a parachute in the show.

However, there is a show called XIII: The Conspiracy that does seem to match your description, but it's a TV mini-series.I would like to know if anybody knows what movie is this?

Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Impaired...?

1) Schizophrenia - Do You Hear What I Hear, the Voices, the Voices?

2) Amnesia - I Don't Remember If I'll be Home for Christmas

3) Narcissistic - Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

4) Manic - Deck The Halls And Walls And House And Lawn And Streets And Stores And Office And Town And Cars And Buses And Trucks And Trees And Fire Hydrants And...........

5) Multiple Personality Disorder -We Three Queens Disoriented Are

6) Paranoid -Santa Claus Is Coming To Get Us

7) Borderline Personality Disorder -You Better Watch Out,You Better not Shout,I'm Gonna Cry,and I'll not Tell You Why

8) Full Personality Disorder - Thoughts of Roasting You On an Open Fire

9) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

10) Agoraphobia -I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My HouseChristmas Carols for the Psychologically Impaired...?
LOL. LOL. I love'em All! LOL.

Kudos for the post.

Thanks for the laughs, and have a great day!
That is the first joke on here that just cracked me up! Man..That was funny!Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Impaired...?
:) two thumbs up! I like that one!
that was some good shitt
You're the man! LOL... those were totally hilarious!
ha ha ha very funnny

Do you like this joke?

A Mother's Dictionary ...

* Amnesia: Condition that enables a woman who has gone through labor to make love again.

* Dumbwaiter: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.

* Family Planning: the art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster.

* Feedback: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.

* Full Name: What you call your child when you're mad at him.

* Grandparents: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right.

* Hearsay: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.

* Impregnable: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.

* Independent: How we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say.

* Ow: The first word spoken by children with older siblings.

* Puddle: A small body of water that draws other small bodies wearing dry shoes into it.

* Show-off: A child who is more talented than yours.

* Sterilize: What you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it.

* Top Bunk: Where you should never put a child wearing superman pajamas.

* Two Minute Warning: When the baby's face turns red and she begins to make those familiar grunting noises.

* Verbal: Able to whine in words.

* Whodunit: None of the kids that live in your house...

* Weekend: When dad gets to play golf while mom catches up on the laundry, cleans the house, runs errands, etc.Do you like this joke?
ha ha ha funny on funn y
I liked the definitions of:



top bunk

I think you have to be a mom to appreciate the joke.

Thanks for sharing.Do you like this joke?
Too cute! This put a smile on my face ! Thanks!
yea!!!!!!!! That is pretty funny......I like it...LOL :)Do you like this joke?
yeah i guess. yeah its okay
That's cute.
Pretty funny! my favorite:

Ow: The first word spoken by children with older siblings.

That was good! LOL!
Some are very funny, some OK and some are just definitions!
i really only liked the superman one
yeah, they are really funny even if you don't have kids
Very cute definitions.
Oh screw the weekend part. Guys suck. This joke isn't funny because it is too true.
i couldnt even get through it it was so boring.
ha ha
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  • The Saturated Music Scene?

    A few years ago it was 'The Indie Band' (usualy The (insert adjective). Then it went on to the (a house wives favourite) male singer/songwriter (blech) and now it's the BRIT school graduated female 'soul' sensation.

    I've seen more soul coming from a recently deceased gold fish with amnesia.

    Who agrees that Adele, Duffy et al should be flung into the open mouth of a volcano?

    xxThe Saturated Music Scene?
    Yep, that is where the end of the conveyor belt should be positioned.The Saturated Music Scene?

    Name of this movie anyone ?

    Alright, i do not remember much, I remember some guy, with dark hair, had a "pet" raven, and think he had amnesia or some traumatic event prior related to a loved one. I know he is getting revenge on the men who did it. And I also remember he lived in the top of the house building. Sorry bout so little information, it was a long time agoName of this movie anyone ?
    The Crow! of this movie anyone ?
    Memento?Name of this movie anyone ?
    Im pretty sure it's "the crow" with brendan lee :)
    "The Crow" with Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son).

    Whats the name of this movie.?

    its about some girls who are orphans and live in the attic of this lady doing house chores and things like that. there is a Indian guy next door who is taking care of one of the girls fathers cuz he is blind and has amnesia. there is also a monkey that brings them food sometimes and they imagin they are in far away places.Whats the name of this movie.?
    That's called A Little Princess.. The little girl is left by her father in a boarding school so he can go to war. Everything seems fine until her father leaves and supposedly dies, then they start treating her like a maid and make her do chores, so she makes friends with a girl that is treated like her, and they tell stories to the other girls in the school, her dad is being taken care of by the girl's neighbor only he doesn't know he has a daughter because of the memory loss and blindness like you listed. It's a great movie I watched it when I was younger, it's from 1995

    You can see more about it here

    Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?

    Today is Saturday, and Wednesday night my fiance got into a car accident. The accident wasn't serious, he slid into a ditch and hit his head. Unfortunately, he lost everything between Sunday afternoon to Wednesday night (including the accident). He was diagnosed with a concussion, and was just sent home despite the amnesia. The following day, he forgot most of the hospital visit and us being home. Throughout the day, he would start something and then forget what or why 5 minutes later (example: when to El Burrito Loco and when he got into the parking lot, he forgot why he was there).

    He saw a GP yesterday and he said everything was fine and hte memory loss was normal. But it started to get worse. When he dropped my off at my parents a few hours later, he called me about ten minutes later asking how to get home (literally road to road to the actually house). He went into work today and said he didn't remember much of anything of yesterday except a bit of his appointment.

    He was very upset on Wednesday right before his accident. And he was pretty upset when he dropped me off. Could the memory loss be due to the concussion and the scans just didn't catch it because it was right away, or could it all be caused due to being upset? And if it's because of him being upset, what should I do? And does it last a long time?

    I'm so lost and kind of desperate... he's completely thrown off, and I feel like our world is sort of upside down. I need some advice and direction.Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?
    You need to tell the doctors about his memory loss. His brain could be swelling from the concussion, which can be very serious and cause permanent damage.Why Does He Keep Forgetting..?
    he probably is still "in the moment" (like his brain can't remember but tries very hard then get "Hit again")
    You could try and give him details on what happened on those days and tell him to move on from the night and care for himWhy Does He Keep Forgetting..?
    I don't know a whole lot about concussions, but I think that would cause i little more memory loss than just forgetting things that happened before.

    I'm making a scary game & need title suggestions (10 points)?

    Ok it's about this guy who goes to this house because of a dare his friends told him if he spent the night in this house they would each give him $50 so when he goes in he starts freezing %26amp; its dark so he pulls out his flashlight %26amp; he starts to think he doesn't want to do it when he trys to turn around %26amp; leave the door is not there hes trapped in this really creepy haunted house where a girl wonders who was killed back in 1982 now hes got to solve puzzles to try to get out %26amp; while trying to hide from this ghost...

    That's basically the story for now but I may work on it a lot more....but I need names as catchy as like "Amnesia" or "Penumbra"

    Nothing stupid like "Dark House" lol

    kk peaceI'm making a scary game %26amp; need title suggestions (10 points)?
    Origins, Desistance, Void, Verisimilitude, Dead Memories, Bleeding minds, Deserted Souls, Haunted memories, ummm etc etc. if you need more let me kno lol, i was just naming random titles
    The Ghost of '82. Hell Night. Ghost Runner. Darkness. Death in the Dark. Black Death. Dark Death. Cold Blood. Trapped! . These are some suggestions. Points please!I'm making a scary game %26amp; need title suggestions (10 points)?
    House of Insanity... I personally like the sound of (:

    also where can I get this game!

    sounds awesome (:
    I guess "The Dare" or something, I can't think of anything else, hope this helps.I'm making a scary game %26amp; need title suggestions (10 points)?
    Black House

    Night Awaken

    Let Me Out


    I'm not afraid

    Run Run Run
    Play on words like Enigma, confound, ect. I also want to make games, so we could partner. Mail to and well work this out.
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  • He is about to marry another woman, do you think i should fight my love for him?

    so i met this guy and he has amnesia. my family and i allowed him to stay in our house. we had a relationship and i got pregnant. we decided to marry and we love each other. my sister insisted that he should have a job in Manila 'cause we are living in the province. then he never came back in our province, he never called us on the phone. i missed him so much so i contacted the police to help me find him. while searching for him, i decided to stay in my cousin's house at manila, my cous told me she will introduce me to her fiance, she also told that her fiance was lost bcoz of its amnesia and she's happy that they find him through the help of police and they gave him medicine to remember his past. then she introduced my husband to me, i can't believe it bcoz it's my husband, i never said anything and just cried inside the guest room. next week is their wedding, how can i tell my cousin that her fiance is my husband and that we have our child? and how can my husband remember me? he doesn't even know my name now?He is about to marry another woman, do you think i should fight my love for him?
    First of let me say that i am so sorry that this has happened to you

    but you need to sit down and talk to them both you have a child with this man and also what r u gonna tell your baby when he or she grows up. Try and talk it out let you cousin know that you don;t want to hurt her and show her the proof think off what lead you to saying at her house after so long of not finding him you end up rite where he was. touch him hugh him were the same perfume u always where when he was around so he can remember your smell if your love for him is true and his love for u is true don't worrier it will work out i hope the best for you and you cousin because she didn't know and for her to get hurt will be kinda of hard but u need to do what you have to do for your family good luck He is about to marry another woman, do you think i should fight my love for him?
    If really you are in love with her, please approach her and tell her your feeling and if she is really in love with you, she shall decide the course of events.He is about to marry another woman, do you think i should fight my love for him?
    Wow that's a good dodge. Just forget where and who you are and you can marry as many women as you like.

    Yes tell your cousin, whether she marries him or not, she at least should know what's going on.

    First Im sorry to hear about your situation. I think you should say something because if you don't i think it will eat at your spirit forever. You will always wonder what would life be like if you did and you didn't. Try to explain the situation to your cousin and as proof he is the father of your child ask him to take a DNA test this way you can prove to the family that he is the father of your baby and your husband. Best of Luck : )

    42 ways to annoy your parents?

    1. Follow them around the house everywhere...

    2. Moo when they say your name...

    3. Run into walls...

    4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion...

    5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine...

    6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"...

    7. Wear a sticker that says, "im a retard"...

    8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time...

    9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!"...

    10. Do what they actually tell you...

    11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly...

    12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people...

    13. At everything they say yell, Liar...

    14. Try to swim in the floor...

    15. Tap on their door all night...

    16.Pretend to have amnesia...

    17.Say everything backwards...

    18.Give yourself a love bite...

    19.Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!"...

    20.Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the your underwear...

    21.Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times...

    22.Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder...

    23.Run in circles...

    24.Recite a whole movie 3 times...

    25.Pretend to beat yourself up...

    26.Slither everywhere...

    27.Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist... tell them you're making a fashion statement...

    28.Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way...

    29.Super glue your finger up your nose...

    30.Talk to a pen...

    31.Lay face down and chant like an indian tribe...

    32.Try and climb the wall...

    33.Spread out on the window and buzz, pretending to be a fly...

    34.Take your ice cream cone and put it one your forehead... say you're a lovely unicorn...

    35.Put pegs on your nose and eyes...

    36.Switch the light button on and off for a while. then say, "ooooh... I get it!!!"...

    37.Eat your hair...

    38.Whatever they are eating, tell them it looks like a certain animal...

    39.Eat anything obviously not edible...

    40.Say your pet is mocking you and chase it around the house...

    41.When you shower or bath yell, "i'm drowning!!!"...

    42.Try to snorkel in your fish tank...42 ways to annoy your parents?

    These are hilarious, gonna try some of them and hope my parents dont freak out!42 ways to annoy your parents?
    43. when a thunder and lighting storm comes turn all the electronics off in the house. while running around saying the light bill is going to be sky high....

    44.give all your mom heels to the dog as toys

    45. go to sleep with your TV on all night

    46. go get a tattoo saying we don't die we multiply
    43 whenever they are talking yell boo you suck, when they turn around pretend you are listening

    44 take 4eva in the shower

    45 eat all of the snacks

    46 keep asking why

    47 chase your shadow

    48 talk to your reflection

    49 run around the house and yell the carieans are coming the carieans are coming

    50 yell i ate my dog, i ate my dog42 ways to annoy your parents?
    that is just plain funny......__________________(fill in what you want for the blank to say).lol that is so you.
    That is awesome.

    Your grounded!
    lol.....i mite have to try some.......

    HELP!! Can someone help me find a movie title?

    This story is about a little girl who lives in a big house with a housekeeper. One day on her birthday, the housekeeper tells her, her father has died in war. Therefore, the housekeeper makes her a slave and makes her clean and treats her miserably. Towards the end of the movie, the little girl realizes that her father is still alive but has amnesia (loss of memory) and does not remember too much!


    However, I think the name of the movie is "my little princess"

    Thank you so very much

    ByeHELP!! Can someone help me find a movie title?
    its called A little princesHELP!! Can someone help me find a movie title?
    It sounds like the Shirley Temple movie, The Little Princess.HELP!! Can someone help me find a movie title?
    it's little princess!!!!! great movie!!!

    Tell me it was good that I've recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years.?

    It was pretty simple, for the past two years I have been very direct about wanting to get married and have children. He said he wanted the same things. Unfortunately after we would have these conversations he would come down with amnesia and forget about planning for a marriage, a house and children. He made all sorts of demands like a special proposal and a ring (that I didn't want) that he failed to follow through on. It was six months between ring shopping trips and another 8 months before he purchased. So I would break down every 4-6 months saying that I didn't really think that he wanted this. He would get angry say he loved me and that I wasn't patient enough. That I didn't trust him. It made me crazy. I would cry and yell and then apologize and 6 months later it would be just the same. The last fight we had he left after he told me he was going to propose the night before but he was deterred by a mood shift. It felt like a lie and I called him on it. I'm devasted!Tell me it was good that I've recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years.?
    sweetie you did the RIGHT THING. you should have done it sooner but better late than never. this man may love you but he is not in LOVE with YOU and the fact that he kept changing the plans that YOU set should have been enough but when a woman is focused on what she wants nothing else matters. he was not ready for what you wanted and he didnt want to tell you than. so sweetie please know that you made the best decision of your life, although it may not feel like that now but please know you should never have to give a man an ultimatum or trick him into marrying you or having kids with you. if he really really loves you he will do it without hesitation. GodBless
    It sounds like he may have been a bit bipolar, seriously it was the right thing to do to leave him and I'm a guy saying this stuff.Tell me it was good that I've recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years.?
    you did the right thing for you. you never know, perhaps you two are meant to be together... just not now. Go on with your life and don't "pressure/or push" the situation
    Try to not be so devistated.. try and look at this as a total blessing... Your life would be a sentence of the same crap.. non commitment , putting you off til he grows a pair ..

    You don't want that or need that.. you need to love yourself enough to follow your gut and know the gut is right on.. You will survive..

    You will be better for the experience..

    I promiseTell me it was good that I've recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years.?
    You did the right thing. If he was unable to be consistent or honest or whatever his problem was in dealing with this conflict.... then he will try to deal with other problems in that manner.... it will suck to build a future with someone like that.
    it sounds like if he did want the same things you wanted, he wanted them at a different pace. i understand what you're going through, i've been with my boyfriend for over 6 yrs and he hasn't asked either, we have gotten into several arguments. 3 weeks ago, we didn't talk for days because the subject of engagement came up. i can't tell you that it was the best decision or the worst decision, but i do know that men hate feeling rushed. just give yourself some time to sort everything out. good luck

    What film is this, PLEASE RESPOND!?

    I can't remember

    I can definatly be sure it was this guy with amnesia or sumthin they this girl was outside his house in a car with blood on her face she comes in leads to a fight then he hits her and she says sumthin like il go outside go into my car and youll forget about it so she does and the scene starts over again and I THINK this part could be wrong, the poster for the film was the yellow smiley face not sure bout the second part but completly sure bout the 1st, first good answer gets best answerWhat film is this, PLEASE RESPOND!?
    One missed call?
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  • I may be making myself paranoid, help?

    I wanted to seek help before it got too out of hand lol.

    Anyway, I've been watching this game called "Amnesia: The Dark Descent." At first, I enjoyed watching it. It did give me that occasional jump scare, but not the the point where I thought they were gonna get me.

    That is, until I had the nightmare about it.

    The day I had it, I was so scared to even leave my bed. (yes, I'm a wuss. :D)

    That was maybe about a week ago, but I still continue to watch Amnesia. I used to be able to walk through my house at night without a problem, because I loved night and the dark. %26lt;3 But after the dream, I get so paranoid. I have to turn on every single light. But it only happens at night or in -seriously- dark places. I think those monsters will get me lol.

    Sooo, can anyone help? To make me not worry about it and go back to how I used to be, but where I can still watch Amnesia without getting paranoid?I may be making myself paranoid, help?
    Well you need to starting thinking rationally and realistically - there's no such thing as monsters, ghosts ect... so you're getting yourself scared for no reason. When you get scared just tell yourself "stop being silly".I may be making myself paranoid, help?
    Dude stop watching the game, or stop letting your imagination get the better of you. Remind yourself its all pretend.

    Do you know who fits these descriptions? They are tv or movie stars.?

    4 clues to 4 different people.

    1. I made a comedy record. "What It Was ,Was Football." I met my good buddy, who would later be my "deputy" in "No Time For Sergeants." I like to sing and play guitar.

    2. I am quite tall. I was "The Thing." I kept the peace in town. I only got romantic on one show, and it wasn't with my "girlfriend." But that's ok...I had amnesia. Sunshine wishes to GOD that she could have been the lady who I had those scenes with!

    3. My name is that of an animal. I have an older brother. People "leave" things to me.

    4. I am a hunk. I have been in MANY movies. The movie that Sunshine thought I was excellent in was,"Dragonfly." But I like playing baseball characters.

    5. I had a tv show named after me. I was in a newsroom. I threw my hat up in the air at the beginning of each show.

    6. I was #5's girlfriend. I lived in the same boarding house that she did. I finally moved back to New York and got a show named after me.Do you know who fits these descriptions? They are tv or movie stars.?
    1) Andy Griffith

    2) James Arness

    3) Beaver Cleaver

    4) Kevin Costner

    5) Mary Tyler Moore (or Mary Richards, if you wanted her character name)

    6) Valerie Harper (or Rhoda Morgenstern, if you wanted her character name)
    3 beaver cleaverDo you know who fits these descriptions? They are tv or movie stars.?
    too much for me
    4 is Kevin Costner. The rest...little before my time I tink.

    wait, number 5 is Mary Tyler Moore.Do you know who fits these descriptions? They are tv or movie stars.?
    1) Andy Griffith

    2) Kurt Russell

    3) Beaver Cleaver

    4) Kevin Costner

    5) Mary Tyler Moore

    6) Rhoda
    6. Rhoda Morgenstern - she had a boyfriend named David %26amp; HE was a hunk!!

    5. MTM - tv's perpetual darling

    4. Kevin Costner - so-so actor

    3. Lost me on this one!!

    2. James Arness - mmmm Major Hunk! I had quite a crush on him when I was little.

    1. Andy Griffith

    Nightlife in Manhattan?

    So I'm going to Manhattan for five nights late June and I want to go to a different club every night.

    I only know of Amnesia and Pacha

    I would prefer hip-hop as opposed to crappy House music (like Pacha)

    Also some ideas of stuff to do during the day would be helpful too - so far I only have shopping, ground zero, statue of liberty, empire state building.

    Any particularly good restaurants we should try too?Nightlife in Manhattan?
    Go on, TripAdvisor, we use it all the time. The Lonely Planet has great threads, just ask. The City that never sleeps.Nightlife in Manhattan?
    santos party house has hip-hop on friday nights

    What would happen?

    Ok imagine the scenario, a man had gone on a killing spree while he was suffering from temporary insanity and while he is on his way to the court house the van he is in has a car crash and suffers from Amnesia and completely forgets everything he has done.

    What would happen as he would have no memory of what he had done and in his mind he would be completely innocent.What would happen?
    As a member of society, he is completely responsible for all acts against humanity (or that society). Though it is unfortunate that he is now "innocent" and that whatever area of the brain has been "fix for his previous crimes, he is still responsible for them. Why? First, the act has been committed. His having a car wreck doesn't also erase what happened to the victims. They are still the victims, and society should attone for them. Secondly, the individual's becoming "fixed" is absolutely irrelevant! The fact of the matter is that it was his mind that was present to commit acts against humanity. It was NOT his decision to have the car accident, so therefore it should not even be considered. The accident did not cause the murders, so it is not way related to the individual. IF he did not have the accident, he would still be held accountable for his actions. The only thing that should be considered/argued is the "temporary" insanity he experienced at the time of the murders. The point is: He is still guilty of murder with or without the accident.
    He would probably forget that he was on his way to the court house.What would happen?
    The test of an insanity defense is would be be able to assist council. The answer would be no, so he would have to plead temporary insanity.

    Wouldn't matter. He'd be convicted on circumstantial evidence - no matter if he had memory of what he'd done or not.What would happen?
    Having no memory of a crime doesn't mean it was never committed.

    Who is this actress/waitress on "Love, American Style"?

    This is driving me nuts!

    I was stuck in someone's house last weekend and nothing to do but watch tv (and it was stuck on mute). There was this episode of Love American Style where a man was meeting a blonde woman for a date at an Italian restaurant. In the restaurant there was this young brunette waitress who keeps talking to the man (giving him advice? I couldn't tell). At the end of the episode the blonde dumps the guy (who's sharing his apartment with a doctor/intern) by phone, saying she has a terminal illness and amnesia.

    It was a bad show even on mute BUT I recognize the actress/waitress from somewhere. She looked like a young Lorraine Bracco but with more delicate features. I tried looking her up on imdb and Love American Style guides but I don't know which episode it is. THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS! WHO IS SHE?! I know she's still on tv but for the life of me I can't remember her name or what other shows she starred on. Help!Who is this actress/waitress on "Love, American Style"?
    I don't know but WOW that's going a ways back I remember the opening with the fireworks at the end
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  • A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?

    1. Follow them around the house..everywhere.

    2. Moo when they say your name.

    3. Pretend to have amnesia.

    4. Say everything backwards.

    5. Give yourself a swirly.

    6. Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling "the sun! It's dying!!"

    7. Run into walls.

    8. Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the house in your underwear.

    9. Have nervous spasms at anonymous times.

    10. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.

    11. Pretend to worship the Devil.

    12. Stand over them at 4 in the morning with a HUGE grin on your face and say "Good morning Sunshine!"

    13. Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder.

    14. Run in circles.

    15. Recite a whole movie 3 times.

    16. Pretend to beat yourself up.

    17. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"

    18. Slither everywhere.

    19. Wear a sticker that says "I'm a retard!"

    20. Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist. tell them you're making a fashion statement

    any others?A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
    That's just going to land you in a straight jacket.

    My personal favorite was cussing around my grandparents, and then saying "Well MOM says it ALL THE TIME!" when they'd scold me for it, heh.
    DUDE!! I could barely breathe, I was laughing so hard! Rotflamo, rotflamo!!A list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
    LOL, that is hilarious! I used to repeat everything my mom said when she was on the phone....drove her NUTS
    wow. it depends on your age. it youre 8, then whatever. they will probably just think youre a normal kid getting on their nerves. if youre 16, they may take you to go see a therapist. hahaA list of things that are sure to drive your parents crazy ;) Will they work?
    pretend to be asleep when you got to get up for school i did when i was at school. but now my 4 kids do half what you have posted an it drives me mad
    heres some:

    1. Say "what or why" after everything they say

    2. Start talking during TV shows, and stop when they pause and during commercials.

    3. Move stuff around in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

    4. Stare at them for long periods of time.

    5. Narrate every move they make. (E.g.: She walks into the kitchen and moves towards the cupboards. She opens it and pulls out two, no three plates. Along that line.........)

    Hehehe, enjoy!
    why do u wan't to make ur parents crazy.These things will surely drive anybody crazy.







    AND 20

    Umm,I think that would annoy anyone period.

    Other one to add:Forget your chores
    Ah what a wonderous student...and a total waste of talent...go to work !!!!

    Find out how to become responsible for yourself....LOL
    hahaha i do the mooing thing to my mom all the time thats funny
    Good ideas!

    My favorite is to talk about the stupid school projects I did back in second grade and how cute I was... it drives them crazy!
    Yeah, that would annoy my parents. But then they would just look at me like im an idiot like they always do! lol =]

    It sounds like fun though...
    21. Insist on speaking Indonesian "because it's your native language" (Yeah, right).

    I request opinions on significant suggestions for a game to purchase under the survival-horror genre?

    I am a PC gamer who is looking for a new and interesting game, over Steam preferably so that I may download from the comfort of my home, that is of the survival- horror genre. A game similar to Amnesia or the half-life 2 mod Nightmare House 2. A first person adventure that has actual fear inducing elements. I own and quite enjoy games like Left 4 Dead but in all honesty it is not very scary in the least bit. I have heard that Penumbra and FEAR are excellent buys but I only have so much money. Suggest as many games as you'd like even if it isn't for PC but PC and Steam have priority as of now. An early thanks to everyone who participated in suggesting. A top answer WILL be picked.I request opinions on significant suggestions for a game to purchase under the survival-horror genre?
    The Penumbra games.

    The Condemned games

    F.E.A.R. games

    The Dead Space games (not first person, not that scary, but great games)

    Silent Hill Homecoming (third person and not so scary, but decent)

    That's all the ones worth mentioning I think. I don't have much experience with Mods so I can't recommend any.

    Whats the name of the movie?

    In this film a man who is working for the government (as a spec op or spy) is shot out of a plane into a forest covered with snow, this old man finds him and takes him to his house. The man who was shot out of the plane suffers from amnesia but eventually remembers who he was after looking at government files through a computer i think. sorry its been a while since i swa the movie, i think it was made around 1995-2005Whats the name of the movie?
    Who am I?

    Help-Theme for book?!?!?!?!?

    A Clean Slate is a novel that takes place in present day America, 2000-2010. Kelly McGraw is a thirty-year-old woman who comes home to find that her key no longer works and someone else is living in her townhouse. As she starts to piece the situation together, she realizes that not only has she forgotten that she sold her house, but she has also forgotten losing her job, that she thought would make her partner, as well as being dumped by her soon-to-be fiance. In fact, she鈥檚 forgotten the entire last five months of her life. With the help of her best friend Laney, Kelly realizes that she has been extremely depressed over the last five months and has barely left the house. However, now that she has a bit of amnesia, the depression is over and Kelly is eager to begin a new life doing what she has always loved: photography. Unfortunately, there鈥檚 another reason behind Kelly鈥檚 tattered memory, something that has nothing to do with her broken relationship or lack of a job.

    ^wats the themeHelp-Theme for book?!?!?!?!?
    Memories are a huge part in making a person who they are - by taking away memories, a person can become a completely different person.

    Can you name this book?

    I read this a while ago and forgot the name. There is a woman who wakes up after a car accident and has had amnesia so she can't remember the past 3 years. Somehow she's extremely rich with a high position at her company. Her husband is rich, she has an awesome house, etc. Yet this isn't her- it's too planned and strange. Basically she realizes that this life isn't for her though and falls in love with an artist? Happy ending, etc..Can you name this book?
    Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella鈥?/a>
  • north carolina dmv
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  • What should I do about my sleeping problem?

    I couldn't sleep last night. I just couldn't sleep through the whole night, so I've been awake for yesterday, last night, and today. I'm about to go to sleep, but what should I do? I'm super tired and I took Nyquil.

    Also, I'm very afraid of a monster from Amnesia. I think of it in my house, chasing me around. What should I do about that? That's probably part of it. I also feel anxious/nervous that I won't be able to sleep. Last night I kept thinking: "Crudcrudcrud, you HAVE to go to sleep!!!" and I couldn't plain relax. Help, please?What should I do about my sleeping problem?
    You should see a doctor or a psychiatrist. For the mean time try to talk to someone like friends,parents,or someone you trust most. It is not a normal to have that kind of problem. Maybe you are just stressed at work or some what depressed. Know your problem and your self at least so you can cope up in the events that is happening to you right now.What should I do about my sleeping problem?
    Well I'd sleep on it and resolve it in the morning.

    Older movie I think with Sandra Bullock, maybe?

    The movie is of a family that lives in a remote area. The family is killed by someone, all except (Sandra Bullock or whoever). She wanders away in shock and has amnesia. Then starts remembering snippets of what happened. Goes back to the house and the murderer tries to to kill her again. Turns out the killer is her own father who got away with it all those years.Older movie I think with Sandra Bullock, maybe?
    Awake to Danger (1995 TV movie)

    starring Tori Spelling, Michael Gross, John Getz, Reed Diamond, Laura Johnson, Shae D'Lyn, Holland Taylor, Leigh Lombardi

    IMDb synopsis:

    Several of the Collinses' neighbors are victims of a series of burglaries. One evening, their house is tragically hit, too: Mr. Collins finds his wife dead in the bathroom and his 16-year-old daughter, Aimee, unconscious at the base of the stairs. She's in a coma for 18 months. When she wakes up, she can't remember anything from that fatal evening. But, during her recovery, she relives the happenings in her dreams more and more clearly. She becomes afraid that she still might be a target of the murderer.

    Here's a clip from the film on YouTube:鈥?/a>

    I've seen this film and saw ads for it recently, bringing back a lot of memories.Older movie I think with Sandra Bullock, maybe?
    the net?

    I cant remember the name of this movie PLEASE HELP!!!!?

    Maybe someone knows this movie. It is about a year or so old.

    This guy shows up on a dark stormy night to a house occupied with a mother her boyfriend (or husband) and son. This guy has severe amnesia and can't remember his name or yet alone how he showed up at this house but insists it is HIS house. And I think from here on it gets a bit violent but that is all I remember from this movie.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!I cant remember the name of this movie PLEASE HELP!!!!?
    Unknown (2011) - haven't seen it, but seen the trailer and it has the exact plot

    Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?

    i don't understan why me and my twin sister have been picked on because we are tall ,thin and dark skinned women we are 32 year old women but we look really young about 23.we each have children 3 for me and 4 for kids are 11,10,(girls) and 2 1/2 son her kids are 13,10,17 month old girl (girls) and she has 1 son 8.way before we had children people picked on me and twin sister calling crackhead,ugly and cruel junior high high school and grown men and grown women and then whwen we confront these people they get amnesia like they don't know what were talking about.what should i do i have tried ignoring all i can .i take bus whatever i have to go.were tired of the giggling and laughing ****.i never had a felony but i believe i'm going to end up with one .me and my twin sister are good going women and we have good hearts and we are well known by people who like why is the world messing with us like we are singled out.i hate to leave my house.i weigh 100 and my twin weigh 125 .Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?
    Everyone, and I do mean everyone has been or will be picked on for something that others see as a flaw, or what is not the "norm" of our very superficial society. Being a Black woman in this country is difficult enough without having to be criticized for your appearance. However, one of the most beautiful things about black women are their ability to stand out in a crowd of same old same old boring white faces. When you see a picture of 9 white faces and 1 black face, your eyes are immediately drawn to the black person. Because your children will undoubtedly see you being insulted and ridiculed in public, it will be of the utmost importance for you to ignore this behavior, hold your head high, and be proud of your beautiful black skin. Arguing and making a scene to verbally attack the person ridiculing you will not only make you look ridiculous, but will also stereotype you.
    don't worry about those superficial your life with your head well is the best revenge...let the haters be the motivators...Nit picking because i'm dark skin women?
    people are only doing to you what you allow them to do . ignoring is the best thing , i understand it is hard but your only other option would be to walk right up to them and ask them why they are laughing ..which could end up in a fight and you could end up with charges which isn't good for you or your kids...i look at it this way ..if my looks or the way i live my life helps anyone keep their minds off of their unhappy lives even if only for a few minutes that allows them to laugh a little then so be it i was glad i made someones day ... and besides that live your life and screw the rest
    people r cruel and they see it getting to u so they run with it people who do that normally hate themselves fo some reason anyway its truly sadNit picking because i'm dark skin women?
    Becasue the world is a cruel place, and people have to pick on other people to make themselfs better. just let it roll of your back. You know you guys are good people and good parents so dont worry about what they are saying.

    Was I right to disobey my mother?

    For the past few months, I have been very excited about a new game called "Amnesia: The Dark Descent". Unfortunately, the game is rated M. A few years ago (about 2 to be precise), my mother told me that she would not allow an M-rated game in her house. She also specifically singled-out Amnesia, calling it "a hell simulation" and a "downright disturbing abomination".

    Last night, I saw Amnesia for sale on Steam for $4.00. Its list price is $20.00. The deal was too good to pass up, so I bought it, and downloaded it onto my computer.

    The game is currently sitting on my desktop, and I have not started to play it yet, for obvious reasons. What if my mother comes in while I'm playing it? She'll know immediately that I disobeyed her wishes. Should I just tell her that I downloaded the game, or is it none of her business? I just turned 18, so purchasing an M-rated game isn't that big of a deal...Was I right to disobey my mother?
    Legally you are of age and you could play this game but you already suffer from depression Evan and your mom is just concerned about you...this sounds like a highly nasty game to me that will make you feel worse and I can understand that your mother forbade it, I believe she only did not want you to get this because it sounds deeply disturbing and there have been online games that were so violent that two teenage boys played a killing game on the computer and they got so engulfed in it that the rage became reality and one boy killed the other..he virtually mutilated him in the same way the person was executed in the video game..some of them should never be allowed to be matter how old a person is..some video games bring out the worst in human beings no matter how old they are and ''Amnesia ''the dark decent'' is not what I would like my 18 year old son to play on his computer as a video game..if he already suffers from depression then this is going to make it a mother loving her son I would tell him to please not get that game..I could not really forbid an 18 year old to not buy or play it but I would tell him that I am deeply concerned that this is dangerous stuff that will cause his depression to worsen...and hope he would not play the game...xxWas I right to disobey my mother?
    Why not jut talk to your mom? After all, it was 2 years ago that she stated the "no M rated rule". Perhaps now that you are 18, she might have a change of heart.

    Why keep it from her, be honest and responsible. If you discuss this with her like an adult, maybe she will appreciate how ( M)ature you have become. I doubt she will respect your choice to purchase the game if you hide it from her. Being sneaky is something a 16 year old would be more inclined to do..........Was I right to disobey my mother?
    Really dude grow a pair. Yes you should always respect your mom but your 18. I'm sure you still act like a little kid and thats why she treats you like one. Get a job and meet people.
  • what is the cloud
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  • Do u know the name of this movie?

    It's with a guy that already has a family but somehow he had amnesia and a another family found him, is first family thought that he was dead. Until later on in tehmovie his wife foud him and tol him that he has a family. They took him back tyo teh house whre he first lived and his memories came back to him. HOwever he left the second family that found him and return to teh first family. It's a lifetime movieDo u know the name of this movie?
    Unsure but might be worth looking at as could be the film your looking for.

    The Wives he Forgot (2006)

    A man suffers amnesia and a woman nurses him back to health as he had been battered. They then marry but it soon pans out he is already married.

    Take a look on IMDB

    Logically just about every economic boom is going to bust sooner or later-historically it always has?

    The housing bubble--the bubble So then why does it always seem to come as a shock to some when it happens? Is it a sort of selective amnesia or is it human nature to not want to believe that the good times will end?Logically just about every economic boom is going to bust sooner or later-historically it always has?
    It's not selective amnesia so much as not having a long-term memory. That and needing to find something to point your finger at the opposing party over.
    We're in the moneyLogically just about every economic boom is going to bust sooner or later-historically it always has?
    These kinds of things didn't happen as often and they weren't as bad during the time when banks were more regulated.
    It is human nature to believe that good times won't end. I call it the autopilot effect -- when things go well, people go on autopilot, they observe the world less and their expectations for change diminish.

    It doesn't have to be like this though, their are reforms and changes that could end the boom-bust cycle.Logically just about every economic boom is going to bust sooner or later-historically it always has?
    Regulation, and a strong social safety net, provides for steady and more sustainable growth. Look at the period between the 40's and the 80's.... along with a high top marginal tax rate, to allow for people to get rich, but prevent the emergence of dynastic wealth. Sure, the bubbles aren't as big, but then again, neither are busts... which is what actually benefits most Americans (and most people in general), where hard work is what is rewarded.

    Deregulation, tax cuts on the wealthy and Reaganomics (trickle down economic policy's), have lead to the types of bubbles and busts we've experienced over the past 3 decades. Which allow the wealthy to get dramatically wealthier, while wages have stagnated and actually gone down for people who actually work for a living, and resulted in an economy that looks like a roller coaster ride over the past 3 decades.

    I need help remembering the title of a book I read a while ago?

    It is a romance about a girl who tries to kill herself by jumping out of a boat to escape a cult she was in. She hits her head pretty good and gets amnesia. She is taken to a house where a man lives with a some people who have various mental problems. I know one man has Syphilis and a lady thinks she is a queen. The girl with amnesia doesn't remember how to talk and the man (who I think might be a doctor) tries to help her relearn everything. And they fall in love in the typical romance way. There is trouble because the girl had left her husband behind when she ran away from the cult and he finds her and takes her back.

    I hope I explained it well enough and somebody here has read the book. I would really like to read it again.I need help remembering the title of a book I read a while ago?
    You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck .


    I need help remembering the title of a book I read a while ago?
    ha, ive never heard of it. but i hope one has because id like to read it.

    I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?

    I woke at my friends house after going to a party but big chunks of the night are gone.My friends were laughing about some incident I dont recall at all.I didnt drink hardly any (bout 3 wkd and a beer)so Iwasn't that drunk.I dont remember getting home and I dont feel sick or anything.My friends think its a laugh that I was so drunk I don't remeber but I wasn't that drunk at all.Even this morning bits r missing.I am a bit scared (well if I'm honest alot scared)did someone do this ?will it keep happening I,ve got a test at school tomorrow.

    Cant tell teacher or parent as parents don't know I was at the party they think I was at my friends revising for this test and her parents think we were at this other girls.I think Ive screwed upI got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
    Oh hun! I'm so sorry. Honestly it sounds like someone put something in your drink! First off, you need to tell someone. What they did was illegal! You could have been raped, or worse!

    You need to get to a doctor if these memory lapses are still happening.
    You do know you've already asked this question?I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
    I read this earlier and have been a touch worried. Is there the remotest possibility your drink was tampered with??
    It sounds like one of your drinks was possibly spiked. I would come clean to your parents, they might be a bit more understanding that you think.I got amnesia after a party Now getting lapses Why,will it go?
    You must have it. You've asked this question already.
    Nah, you just can't take your booze, love. Get over it.

    And if you're at school, why the hell were you drinking? Idiot.
    Younger people are more affected by drink as they tend not to be used to it. I rather think someone spiked your drink, and I don't think they are friends or they would have told you. Get on with your revising and get a good career and money and enjoy life without the devastating affect drinking can do to your life. Tell your parents what happened because if you do, they may explain to the school why your are sick and maybe sit the test another day. Please don't get involved with this scene when you should be getting a good education for lovely clothes and all the benefits of behaving for a couple of years. You can have better fun in life than getting so drunk you can't remember, that is quite serious.
    I don't want to scare you but it sounds like you were drug-ed. I would tell my parents no matter how hard it will be because you don't know what happened and what if you wind up pregnant or worse. Please get rid of these so called friends. They are not your friends. Friends would not have let you get so "drunk". If you were. Please, get help now.
    It's very possible someone slipped something into your drink, rupies, acid, something that would interrupt your short term memory. You should see a doctor and get your blood tested, especially due to the fact that your "friends," and I use the term loosely, won't tell you what happened. THey don't sound like friends at all, and this sounds like a potential legal matter. If they did do something, you need to tell someone before they think it's okay and do it to someone else. Break the chain before more people get hurt, and good luck!
    You should be more careful about choosing your "friends." I hope this is a lesson to you, and I hope you come out of wiser %26amp; unharmed. Unfortunately there's really no easy urine or blood test for ghb or other things people might have put in your drink without you knowing. Kids today! You gotta wake up! It's also possible alcohol just affects you differently from most people. Women especially can be hard hit by booze, but they like to drink just like men and think they won't get twice as drunk as the men they hang out with.
    honestly? were you not that drunk? If not then you should see a doctor for the morning after pill (it works for a couple of days). If you have any bruising around your inner thighs then you should report the incident to the police aswell. It sounds like you may have been drugged.

    First thing is Talk to your parents. It's hard but they are there to help you and you may be pleasantly surprised at how well they step up to the plate.
    Talk to your parents. They are your best allies. It sounds like your drink was spiked. You'll have to go to a doctor too because the drug is probably in your system.

    Think about the people who were at that party with you and in the future, try to remain cautious of them. Somebody spiked your drink for a laugh. That's not how friends act.
    Hello Lilly,

    I am not a doctor, so can not really advise you.

    I dont know how old u are, but I have a feeling you are in your early teens. I can promise you that if you are very young and drinking, its a big mistake. I have been there and made the mistake and its only the benefit of hindsight that allows me to warn you.

    I think it is wise to be very carefull about the amount of alcohol you drink , assuming u are under 18 and certainly if you are under 16. I would go one step further and say you really MUST NOT drink anything at all at 16, it really isn't very wise..below 18, be very careful. It is possible to have lots of fun without getting drunk.

    I don't think you need to worry if you are going to leave the booze alone, but you can visit your doctor and you can tell him/her he mustn't discuss it with anyone including your mum and dad.

    If you are having any headaches or similar then u must tell your mum and dad /see the doctor. Likewise if you have any more gaps then u should do so..

    Things like epilepsy are /can be , triggered by alcohol , especially on a young brain, so treat your body with respect and care, you only have one..

    There are alos drugs that are put into girls drinks, I am sure your friends are not like that, but maybe some of the other people at the party are not so nice, so watch your drink (lemonade in future ) at all times to avoid it being spiked.

    good luck

    Severe hyperventilation anxiety when i leave my house..agoraphobia?

    I cant leave my house because I concentrate on my breathing too much I guess and hyperventilate.

    Mainly when I get to far away from my home.It is like my safe zone. I can go maybe 5 houses down the street and that it. And Its impossible in a car..I have to walk it. I just start feeling like a cant breath deep enough..then I start panicking. They I start to hyperventilate. And It just feels like it take hours to get back home when It really only take a minute or less. I have been trying to go to my shrink. Its almost impossible for me to keep app. because I have to cancel because I cant leave. I try I really do ..but it seems like its the hardest thing to do. This all started about 5 years ago. This first 3 years I didnt leave my house at all. That was extremely hard. Now I leave maybe once a month. And I have to drink to do that. Or I couldnt even be driven out of the driveway. My shrink prescribed me klonopin the first time I saw her(9 months ago) It took me around 6 months before I would take it. I am very scared of taking pills. Im afraid they will cause me to get worse. Or to go crazy. Its all very scary for me. I took them for about a month and they were really starting to help some. I actually got to the point where I could drive MYSELF around the block where I live in a car. But I couldnt leave yet , not anywhere where I couldnt be home in 2 minutes. So I had to quit taking them so I could drink to go to the doctor(crazy I know).

    I havent taken them regularly since then. I DONT drink on them. I wonder why its so easy to leave once youve had about 4 beers? I hate drinking and Its killing me. I have to stop.

    I went to the doctor thursday and I was telling her how I was feeling( ALLOT WORSE) Like I couldnt even recognize myself anymore. I would look into the mirror at myself and it made me feel like I had amnesia , but I knew everything about my self. It was weird. Like I was actually going crazy! She said my anxiety was getting so bad that It was starting to cause Psychosis. The way I was feeling I could NOT deal with. And ive dealt with a lot of crap. On my own.

    In the nine months I have been going to her see has prescribed, prozac,paxil,zoloft which I havent even taken because I am so afraid to even try. But since I told her about how I was feeling last time she prescribed Abilify which scares me even more because its is for bi polar and schizophrenia.

    My father, brother, and sister are all bipolar and I have an uncle who is sckitzo. My doctor and counselor both said that I am not schizophrenic and I agree. My counselor and shrink both think that if I am bi polar its very mild and my problems are all very bad anxiety. I also have depression and BAD OCD ..but I can live with that. I cant sit at home and be a drunk to leave. Im scared of pills and the only one ill take is klonopin, but I cant take it long enough before I have another appointment. I dont think abilify is right for me because I have been feeling a little better since I saw her. I think I just sometimes go a little crazy from never going anywhere. That was the first time I had been out in 2 months. I am married ..and my mother lives down the street .. these are basically the only people I ever get to see. I have lost all my friends due to the fact that I cant leave and interact with them.

    Im lost. Im only 23.

    Would any of the drugs she prescribed b4 work? Should I take them? How do I get over the fear of taking them? I am only prescribed 0.5 klonopin a day if needed. Is that even enough to help me if I were able to take it everyday?

    Please help me.

    Thanks.Severe hyperventilation anxiety when i leave my house..agoraphobia?
  • grimaldis
  • spelling dictionary
  • How severe would you call this trauma?

    If a boulder falls from a mountain on your house(more specifically room, bed) with the strength of 20 ton, causing your house to collapse almost entirely, and you somehow managed to save yourself, but the person in the bed in the bed beneath you(bunk bed) doesn't, how traumatized could I be? Could you call this major trauma? I did have amnesia, so I don't really remember much about it.

    And do doctors call a leg broken in two places, a broken chin, a concussion, a swollen brain and two blood clots in my brain "minor injuries"?How severe would you call this trauma?
    wow..... first off any type of injury to the brain is never good. sometimees doctors forget that you don't see things like this every day. to them a embolusm is major, needing surgery, blood clots just need drugs, although to you its your brain and anything that happens to it is"Major" for you. second, seek councling that is a big time traumatic incident. anytime your involved in an incident that there is loss of life it can affect you the rest of your life. so in the end on a scale of 1-10 1 being no trauma and 10 being maximum trauma, id give you a 9. the only reason its not a 10 is because you still have all of your limbs, thats the only thing that could make it worse. good luckHow severe would you call this trauma?
    Wow you lucked out.Your injuries are serious but not life threatening.As far as your survivor

    Well being this may not show up or it might start.Be thankful you lived to tell about it.How severe would you call this trauma?
    It sounds quite seveire.

    A movie in which woman kills an buries lover, but he turns up with amnesia as her Dr....?

    ...husband's patient. Bird weathervan
    the house had a bird on top that begins to trigger the lover's memory. The name of the house had something to do with the bird on top -Crow or cock or rooster-something like that.A movie in which woman kills an buries lover, but he turns up with amnesia as her Dr....?
    Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, television, and gaming that includes numerous and often overlapping sub-genres.[citation needed] Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains.[citation needed] Writer Vladimir Nabokov, in his lectures at Cornell University, said that "In an Anglo-Saxon thriller, the villain is generally punished, and the strong silent man generally wins the weak babbling girl, but there is no governmental law in Western countries to ban a story that does not comply with a fond tradition, so that we always hope that the wicked but romantic fellow will escape scot-free and the good but dull chap will be finally snubbed by the moody heroine.[1]

    Literary devices such as suspense, red herrings and cliffhangers are used extensively. "Homer's Odyssey is one of the oldest stories in the Western world and is regarded as an early prototype of the thriller." [2] A thriller is villain driven plot, whereby he presents obstacles the hero must overcome.[2]

    The genre is a fascinatingly flexible form that can undermine audience complacency through a dramatic rendering of psychological, social, familial and political tensions and encourages sheltered but sensation-hungry audiences, in Hitchcock's phrase, "to put their toe in the cold water of fear to see what it's like
    Customer Reviews
    Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 2: The Chase/Bury Me Dead

    39 of 40 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars Pretty good, overall..., October 14, 2004
    By Michael C. Glancy (Clinton,OK United States) - See all my reviews
    This dvd contains 2 films: THE CHASE (1946--85 min.) starring Robert Cummings, Michelle Morgan, Steve Cochran, and Peter Lorre. This is a pretty good movie about a guy who finds a mobsters' wallet, returns it to him, becomes the mobsters' chauffeur, then becomes dangerously involved with the mobsters' wife. A little on the surreal side but still a good film. This film is said to have the most dreamlike atmosphere of all the noir titles. The audio and video quality is pretty good also. Before the film starts, there is an explanation of how difficult the restoration was. It talks about finding only 1 good print and dealing with a soundtrack that had sprocket holes in it. I think they did a very good job of cleaning this film up and bringing it up to par for DVD audiences. The audio during the opening titles of this movie isn't too good, but it clears up once the story starts. This is the better movie of the 2 in my opinion.

    The second film is BURY ME DEAD (1947--68 min.) starring Hugh Beaumont, June Lockhart, and Cathy O'Donnell. This is an OK film about a woman who shows up at her own funeral then tries to find out who wanted her dead. The audio and video quality on this film is not too bad. The clarity is somewhat soft and the audio has some static here and there. This is probably the best print of this film available. Let's remember that this was just another B movie that was made by PRC, a poverty row independent studio. We're probably fortunate that this film still exists.

    As extras, there is a commentary on both films by Jay Fenton, a noirish Superman cartoon titled SHOWDOWN (1942), some film noir posters and trailers, and a 25 minute film called DEATH BY PROXY which is a condensed version of BURY ME DEAD. This looks to be a 16mm film bought from a catalog for home viewing years ago.

    All in all this is a pretty good disc, especially for the price. This may very well be the best presentation that both of these films get on DVD.A movie in which woman kills an buries lover, but he turns up with amnesia as her Dr....?
    What Lies Beneath is a very frightening and scary movie with all the traits of a classic thriller. With the excellent casting of Pfeiffer and Ford, along with Zemeckis's excellent techniques of terrifying the audience, it is truly a great film.

    Claire Spencer (Michelle Pfeiffer) moves to Vermont after a serious car accident leaves gaps in her memory. She is married to the renowned scientist Dr. Norman Spencer (Harrison Ford). Claire overhears her neighbor, Mary Feur (Miranda Otto) sobbing one day. Norman reassures Claire, but when she wakes in the middle of the night, Claire sees Mary's husband Warren (James Remar) dragging what looks like a body bag out of the house.
    Claire decides to investigate by taking a basket of flowers and wine to the house as a "Welcome Gift". After nobody answers the door she walks round the side of the house and makes a startling discovery; a woman's sandal with a dark stain on it. Warren returns as she is leaving the basket on his doorstep, and Claire explains why she was there and asks where Mary is. Warren gives a vague answer which leaves Claire even more worried.
    Mysterious events begin happening when Claire is alone in the house鈥攆alling pictures, opening and closing doors, a shadowy reflection in the bathwater鈥攁nd Claire then believes that Mary is dead, and is now haunting her. Norman thinks that Claire is feeling a bit empty since their daughter has left for college, and is only seeking attention. Desperate for closure, Claire invites her best friend Jody to join her for a s茅ance in her bathroom where she had seen the reflection of Mary. Claire produces the sandal she had earlier taken from Mary's house, and places it on the table. The Ouija board does not move, but a candle starts to flicker, then goes out. The dial on the Ouija board then starts to move slowly from M to F.
    and remaining story on.
    I know I'm crossing a boundary doing this but I wouldn't be posting this thread if it weren't urgent.

    I need help looking for something.

    A while ago there was a cheating wife/girlfriend and her lover who killed her husband/boyfriend together. They took pictures of the whole deed. They chopped his head off too.
    They got caught when they took the photos into a shop to be processed.

    I will delete this thread as soon as someone can help me out finding links to this story. I would appreciate pictures too.


    Sorry again! It's pretty urgent.

    1. I've used google.
    2. I've searched everything I can possibly think of
    3. I've tried crime library.A movie in which woman kills an buries lover, but he turns up with amnesia as her Dr....?
    Horror movie questions are the most frequent communications with The experts here at BHM are often on top of the answers Horror Freaks crave, but sometimes we are stumped!

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    Horror Questions and Answers

    Click below to see the questions others have asked, and the answers submitted. Know the answer to a question that has not been addressed? Answer it in the comments block! Your fellow Horror Freaks are counting on you!

    Sharp Little Flying Gadgets That Kill
    I remember seeing this late-80's or early-90's movie when I was very young about people staying in a mansion.
    idk buried?

    idk that sounds really weird O. O

    Five ways to annoy your parents? and my niece sent this to me in a email?

    number one, follow them around the house everywhere

    number two, moo when they say your name

    number 3, pretend to have amnesia

    number 4,say eveything backwards

    number 5 ,run into wallsFive ways to annoy your parents? and my niece sent this to me in a email?
    hahahaha, im not sure if that would annoy them. but i actually laughed out loud when i read this. hahahaha!! usually i just keep saying mom mom mom mom, and she finally goes "WHAT?!!!!!!" im gonna try that backwards thing. just try to talk backwards all the time. it'll keep me busy. thanks
    A little dull, sorry.Five ways to annoy your parents? and my niece sent this to me in a email?
    ha ha ha funny

    thanks for a laugh

    10/10Five ways to annoy your parents? and my niece sent this to me in a email?
    Not really....there are better ways.
    omg let me try some
    #1 sounds like my older sister. For some reason she follows my mom everywhere around the house, and it does annoy my mom. (stangly never follows my dad)

    #3 is like my younger sister. when my parents tell her to do sumtin she doesnt do and plays dumb "what? no, i dont remember!?!" "what are you talking about!?!" "*huh?"

    *stares at you like an idiot


    My dog Zoe has had an ongoing cough that the vet can't seem to know what it is, we have tried countless antibiotics so our last resort has been PREDNISONE (steriod) to clear up any infection, she has been on it for 8 days know and the last couple of days she is totally different, She acts like the dominant dog (out of our 3) when she never cared and was totally submissive, the other dogs were her buddies now they seem to growl at eachother all the time. Not to mention she acts like she knows nobody in the house, its like she has amnesia lapses, i'll walk pass her and she goes nuts, its really scary then she'll come up to me and want me to pet her. You can't get close to her or she freaks out and she is always sitting by herself now and that was never the case. We stopped it giving it to her for good, i just want my sweet baby back, has anyone had or heard of this before.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
    Yes, Corticosteroids can cause mood swings although not very common. I hope you didn't abruptly take her off. That can cause problems. They need to be weaned off steroids.

    No mauve Corticosteroids does not cause rage. Anabolic steroids do and that is what the bodybuilders/athletes use - not Corticosteroids.

    Prednisone is not an antibiotic and will have no effect on any infections. In fact, you will be more prone to infection with Prednisone because it suppresses the immune system.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
    Corticosteroids can cause psychosis in people and it may be possible in dogs. It can cause hunger and she may be reacting to that in being more possessive. She may also have some kind of endocrine problem. Be sure to let your vet know about the problems and have him recommend where to go from there. ie. we have a vet school about 35 miles away that would be the best place for a referral.DOG'S PERSONALITY CHANGE ON A STERIOD?
    That's what steroid's do. Ever heard of "roid rage"?. Very Common in athletes who take steroids for a long time...

    Hey which show and which characters (soap operas)?

    hey. either all my children, one life to live or general hospital....

    in the 90's there was a man who got amnesia and when he came back from the hospital he thought he was still in a relationship with his former she played along and he tried to sleep with her and a snake appeared either a dream or reality....also there was a part where they found him in a cave or something...a hole in a house maybe?Hey which show and which characters (soap operas)?
    Nick Newman on The Young %26amp; The Restless had amnesia and thought he was still married to Sharon. I think this storyline was in the 1990's; however, I don't recall anything about a snake or the other stuff you mention.

    Why not check with in their section about recaps of 10 years ago and maybe you'll come up with your answer.Hey which show and which characters (soap operas)?
    Tad had amnesia once. AMC
  • dmv hours
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  • Can you remember ibiza, 1987?

    that year has become legendary for lovers of dance music, mainly because of the famous holiday taken by various dj's, and their "discovery" of acid house music in clubs like Amnesia. i wondered if anyone reading this was there during that summer, and how your memories compare with the way it has generally been remembered?Can you remember ibiza, 1987?
    isnt it a bit like woodstock. If you can remember being there, you cant have been there?

    I wasnt in Ibiza but was in greece at the same time. Loved the bouncing around to acid music

    Do you think the "im rich but ill give up everything just to be with my family" cliche a real thing?

    just a really random question. i saw a few american movies and i noticed this concept keeps coming up. you have a rich person being jealous of a poor person because the poor person has a more loving family. do you think its real and what are your thoughts about movies using this concept? for example i just finished watching a movie about golf. this rich girl has everything, shes the most popular golf player in the world, rich beyond anyones dream, has a boyfriend but she lived 5 years alone in another country training for golf when she was a little kid and her mom will never tell her about her dad. then you have a poor girl who wants to play golf but her family cant afford it, so they borrowed money from loan sharks, they got beat up, lost their house, her dad got amnesia, her brother started working at a bar to help pay, in the end the poor girl gave up golf because it was too expensive AND THE RICH GIRL STILL ENVIES THE POOR GIRL??!?!? sorry but i just dont see the logic here e.eDo you think the "im rich but ill give up everything just to be with my family" cliche a real thing?
    it's a hollywood fantasy that we want to buy into b/c it makes us feel ok about not being rich.

    it's crap

    What are some good scary games?

    Any suggestions? Please do not include Amnesia (Not even scary IMO), FEAR, or Nightmare House 2What are some good scary games?
    Dead Space one and two are pretty good. The survival horror genre is very scarce these days. Since RE decided to become an action shooter for some dumb reason. Dead Island comes out in September, not sure how "scary" it will be, but it looks like an amazing game. Fallout meets RE.What are some good scary games?
    If you don't find amnesia scary then you are obvious into cheap thrills or to young to follow it's complexity. More than likely both.What are some good scary games?
    Dino Crisis

    Dying unexpectedly, where does my assets go?

    Say if I have no will, no relatives, friends anybody. Just a lonely old millionaire.

    If my trip to Auckland took an unexpectedly turn and the plane crashes but I don't die, but everybody thinks I am, what happens to all my assets? Lets say I've been gone for a decade, I had amnesia, stranded on an island, (like Tom Hanks in Cast Away). My house, cars, money, pets, etc. where does it go? Does the government take and auction it off to say it is for "charity"?Dying unexpectedly, where does my assets go?
    dont worry govt will look after it .Dying unexpectedly, where does my assets go?
    The county auctions is off. That's why you need a will.Dying unexpectedly, where does my assets go?
    the government

    Psych help on a question on personality multiple choice?

    . A police chief tells of a well-dressed, well-groomed woman who came in to fill out a report about her missing sister. A careful description was given. A few days later, the chief visited the home of the report filer. At the house, he met the woman who had been described as missing. She insisted she did not have a sister. A clinical psychologist investigated and determined this to be a case of:

    a. split personality.

    b. psychogenic fugue.

    c. dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality).

    d. amnesia.Psych help on a question on personality multiple choice?
    A and C are the one and the same. Call it split personality, dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personality disorder, there is almost no evidence to support that it exists [1]. It has been popularized by hollywood.

    It is (probably) not B. A fugue is the assumption of a new idenity, where you completely leave your home and family and take on your new life

    In that a could be loosely called, as noted by the DSM-IV, confusion with your personality, that could be a correct answer.

    It is obviously not amnesia.
    c. multipe personalityPsych help on a question on personality multiple choice?

    best guess 50% probability
    A and/or C (they are very closely related)Psych help on a question on personality multiple choice?
    it would be between A and D because they are so closely related. Actual chances of this actually happening are very very slim but it does occur every once in a while.
    b/s = bulls**t
    Let's first address that there are individuals who will do almost anything as an attention getting device. For example the pretentious suicide who never manages to commit suicide. And, also that selections a. and c. are one in the same only the number of personalities are of difference.

    Second, MPD is not easily understood nor recognized, it can be periods of dissociative behavior either known or not known by the individual. It can also be complete personality change(s) where some personalities are not known to other personalities, and some are. Usually there is a commanding presence of a gate keeper personality - oft times this personality is defensive.

    Third, no one is quite sure what the trigger mechanisms are that allows the behavior to manifest itself (i.e., personality changes). One example has been for persons who have problems with alcohol. Watch the movie 'Blind Date' with Bruce Willis and Kim

    Basinger to get an idea. Another example, a personality that shuts down for periods of time, almost to the level of a complete blackout, where all they can claim, is they shut there eyes - open their eyes only to discover some time period has elapsed. The movie, 'Mr. Jones' would be informative here. Mr. Jones was more a depressive personality.

    Episodes of passing time loss are most upsetting to the personality once they discover the absent of time, indeed one individual I know of - years ago, awoke (i.e., came aware) after a period of three months. From California, his episode ceased when he became aware on an Arizona country road, he found a paper bag in his hand with considerable money and the bag had blood on it. He had sustained physical injuries he could not account for. He has had many episodes of this nature - to my knowledge he has attempted suicide several times and twice was almost successful. I mention, his family was completely disfunctional and both his parents where long time alcohol abusers. He could never account for the bag nor the money, he displayed a complete disregard or disinterest with the money.

    Further, of one person I know who suffers from time absences, as a child the individual suffer brutal attacks and beating from a parental figure; besides many times wishing to be dead, as a child, with highly stressful situations and the infliction of pain, the individual would loose time and experience periods of what was described as periods of darkness - not sleep. The person also related after a highly stressful situation this reaction; passing into California from Oregon the individual stopped at a State Beach, stepping out of an automobile and leaned standing against the side of the car looking out at the sea. This was related as being around 10:00 a.m. in the morning - around 3:00 p.m. awareness returned. The individual claimed only to have blinked with nothing but blackness in between. For this individual, this was a first time recognizable event and was very upsetting to the extent medical assistance was sought out. The impression that the blink was precisely that and nothing more - and then came the realization that hours had past with no accounting. The individual was still standing along side his automobile the entire period.

    In the absence of more information and past history (police or agency) of the individual in the situation: I would opt for either - a highly pretentious person or possibly an MPDed individual. Which will probably not help you with a direct answer.

    If you are interested in how I know of the person leaning against the car, ask me. It would be an interesting answer.
    Hmmm, i'd say c. dissociative identiy disorder
  • augsburg college
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  • Help with bored, old dog?

    I have had my dog for 11 years. He's in pretty good health sans two main issues: mild arthritis, and slight doggy amnesia (he thinks house plants are outdoor plants and, consequently, pees on them.) Our vet told us that he will most likely never remember his potty training again; thus, the only option I have is to carry him around with me while I'm at home and leave him in his crate or the laundry room when I'm at school/work. He is getting quite bored by this arrangement, however. I cannot take him on walks due to the possibility of sustaining a knee injury, as he has had 3 knee surgeries already. He is in wonderful health otherwise, and putting him down is not an option. How can I help entertain a lap dog?Help with bored, old dog?
    Well, since he is an old dog, take it easy! Go to your local pet store and get some toys for him to chew, not go crazy over. Although he is very old and probably not too flexible, exercise is still very important. Take him for very short walks throughout the day. Exercise him on flat ground as it is less intense pressure on the joints. When your dog shows that it's tired, don't force him to do anything. Just walk him home, and let him rest. Rest is very, very, important for an old dog.

    Hope I helped!

    Good Luck :)
    To give him exercise without stressing his knees, I would suggest a swimming program.

    In the Bay Area there is rehab for dogs at a place called Scout's House. They have a list of resources. Website below.

    One thing I don't understand: if he just pees on houseplants, why not just keep him away from the houseplants?Help with bored, old dog?
    Why dont you try to potty train him again? It would not hurt and he may relearn the task.
    1. Baby gate the dog onto a waterproof surface (kitchen area perhaps?) that has more room.

    2. Since the silk plants have got to go anyway, that problem is taken care of.

    3. Get some toys like a Kong, the Kong Wobble, the Buster Cube, etc. for your dog to play with while you are out. That should keep him busy for a while and stimulate him mentally while you are away.

    Thank you for not giving up on your friend and attending to his mental health needs! I hope this helps!Help with bored, old dog?
    There are incontinence dog diapers for this. I suggest looking into getting some. That way he doesn't have to be secluded all day.鈥?/a>
    you take out on leash and don't let run and jump

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    What disease is this?

    So my mom lately she having a hard time to talk,sometimes it took her like 10 second just to pronouce a word.And she wake up one day having amnesia.She forgot our house address and phone numbers.So my dad took her to the doctor and they said she have high blood pressure.But i couldn't find any blood pressure that cause amnesia and hard time talking.

    So,i just want to ask what disease is this?And can she talk like normal and remember stuff?What disease is this?
    I agree that this does not sound like her symptoms are due to high blood pressure. I would take her to a neurologist as soon as possible.

    Good Luck!

    My bad Kitty's influencing my older Kitty's tearing up the place?

    Ok i have 5 cats 3 older ones 2, 4 month olds. My three older cats have been house broken for awile now these new cats have came along and its like everyone has amnesia. Their pooping every where then if that wasnt bad enough. Now they climb on the counters and eat my food threw packages and all. Some one anyone please help ive never had kittys i couldnt train. Im about ready to choke them ahhhhh help. thanks.My bad Kitty's influencing my older Kitty's tearing up the place?
    Wow. You can spray them with some water when they do get on top of the counter and tell them "NO",

    do not hit your cat as much as they can annoy you. =)My bad Kitty's influencing my older Kitty's tearing up the place?
    try keeping food out the way and maybe close the door if there ltter tray is in there then make sure ur in there aswell if they jump up just take them off and say no i had this problem with my cats just make sure they know who is boss. the pooping all over make sure u dont clean it up with a bleach like substance because they atract to the smell try washing over the areas with warm water and fresh lemon mebies grating a bit lemon or orange skin in the places there doing it and see if they stay away, they dont like anything with zest. if u wash the litter tray out most days dont they need that sent in there to know where there going nd if u keep washing it away they will be confused so mebies change it twice a week nd wash it every week to 2 depending on how dirty but keep picking the poop out nd it should last a bit longer. and lastly mebies try putting an extra litter tray round the house nd c if they prefer the new place. hope this helps. nd good luck.

    What is your favorite Christmas holiday movie?

    My faves are:

    White Christmas with Bing Crosby/Danny Kaye

    The Christmas List with Mimi Rodgers/Stella Stevens

    The House Without A Christmas Tree with Jason Robards

    and one I can't remember the name of with Nancy McKeon that was shown on Lifetime. She had amnesia.What is your favorite Christmas holiday movie?
    There are so many.....That is my favorite time of year, decorating, kights everywhere, curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and watch christmas movies......

    I loved:

    It's a wonderful Life

    The Christmas story

    Miracle on 34th street

    Also, the movie ELF---was funny, Chevy Chase Christmas vacation was funny.......I guess I like just about all of them......
    A Christmas Story.

    You know the story where Ralphie has to convince his parents, teachers, %26amp; Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect gift.What is your favorite Christmas holiday movie?
    Scrooged. Everyone makes fun of me, but i love it.

    Also no holiday season is complete without watching the Christmas story once.
    National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

    A Christmas Story

    Meet Me in St. Louis

    The Santa ClauseWhat is your favorite Christmas holiday movie?
    It's a Wonderful Life ....Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed
    I like A Christmas Story with Peter Billingsly and all the faves above, except, I did not see the Nancy McKeon one. I also like the really bad animated movie about the defective toys going to "misfit" island with the abominable snowman...
    A Christmas'll shoot you're eye out...and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is good for a laugh...but my favorite that I must watch every year is A Muppet's Christmas Carol!! I love the music and comedy...
    Christmas Story. You'll shoot your eye out. Its the best.

    Its A Wonderful Life is nice once every other year.

    Scrooge with Bill Murray. (I think that was the title anyway).

    And the original Godzilla plowing through downtown Tokyo makes for a good change of pace. I associate Godzilla with Christmas because the first time I ever so it, it was near Christmas. And that was eons ago.

    A side note here:

    too many Christmas movies and cartoon. My granddaughter has a very nice collection of cartoon and movies. I wish it was toned down during Christmas.
    One of my favorites is "Miracle on 34th Street" with Maureen O'Hara, John Payne and Edmund Gwenn.
    "White Christmas" ....... I love the part where Bing and Danny lip sing to "Sisters" !!! Hahaha... It is hilarious !!!!!!
    I like A Christmas Carol.
    Christmas Vacation w/Chevy Chase.
    Little Women

    Snow Birds
    I saw the one with Nancy McKeon last year and loved it. She was in a car accident and met her future husband in a dream.

    My favourite one for the last few years is the one where Dolly Parton is an angel and to get her wings she has to help someone on earth. I wish I could remember the name for it. darn. She sings in it and helps a family whose wife/mom died and they don't have the Christmas spirit. I love anything with Dolly in it anyway.

    There are a few animated movies that I have enjoyed over the years. Annabelles'Wish starring Randy Travis., Christopher the Christmas Tree and one I haven't seen for a while Emmet Otters' Christmas Jug Band . It's like O 'Henrys' The Gift of the Magi.
    'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'-I love Chevy Chase.

    'Gremlins', is another favorite, it has a Christmas time setting.

    'The Year Without Santa', is my favorite animated one. I love to hear those songs Heat Miser and Snow Miser sing.
    A Christmas story.

    "You'll shoot your eye out"
    miracle on 34th street

    but it has to be the original

    still makes me cry
    I'm amazed "It's A Wonderful Life" didn't landslide all the other movies.

    Oh, well, I'll take a look at AFI's 100 Greatest Movies list and feel better in just a minute.
    "A Christmas Story" I love Ralphie's imagination! We watch it every year. We even have a leg lamp in our window.

    There was an old movie that I loved, I cn't remember the name, where there was a poor couple. He sold his watch to buy combs for her hair. She cut her hair to buy him a watchband ( or something for his watch). If I knew the name of the movie, I could rent it and refresh my memory. Do you know which movie I am talking about?
    As classic movies go, It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorites. But every year my husband and I make it a point to watch Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. We know almost every line in the movie, but we laugh our butts off every time we watch it! I especially love the Aunt Bethany character, and when she arrives at the Griswold's party. The lights on their house are so bright. When she walks in, she asks "Is your house on fire, Clark?" LOL! Funniest Christmas comedy ever!
    White Christmas

    Miracle on 34th Street - with Maureen Ohara
    You mean there were others?

    "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street."

    Actually, we like to watch the new "Lifetime" movies each Christmastime. There have been some great ones. I especially enjoyed the one Donya mentioned, with Dolly Parton as an angel.
    "Its a wonderful life" with Jimmy Stewart..Classic!
    Santa Claus 3
    A Christmas Story. The funniest Christmas movie EVER!鈥?/a>

    If you are a senior and haven't seen're in for treat!
    Miracle on 34th Street is most fav.

    It's a Wonderful life

    and the one about the bbgun or rifle...can't remember the title.
    My all-time favorite was A Christmas Carol made in

    black and white in 1951 and starred Alastair Sim.

    No Scrooge movie can touch that one.

    My next favorite is A Christmas Story. It's about a little boy

    named Ralphie who wants a Red Ryder BB gun for

    Christmas. It's a hoot. It reminds my hubby of the

    Christmases when he was a kid in the 1950's.
    It's a wonderful life is the best!
    A Christmas Story. "You'll shoot your eyes out!".
    ONE SPECIAL NIGHT with James Garner and Julie Andrews. I have taped it and play it every Christmas season. It is beautiful and so classy!

    Looking for a young adult sci-fi book?

    I read this book a few years ago, but I can't remember the name of it. In the novel, a kid finds a doorway in his new house, which takes him back 50 years. Somehow, he gets amnesia and enters the (Vietnam?) war. Well, it ends up he grows up to be his own grandfather, and the girl he met in the past is really his grandmother. Also - there is a character who knows everything that is going on with the name "Pinky".Looking for a young adult sci-fi book?
    Mr. Was /

    Pete Hautman

    1998, 1996 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed.

    English Book : Fiction : Juvenile audience Internet Resource 255 p. ; 18 cm.

    New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, ; ISBN: 0689819145 (pbk.) 9780689819148 (pbk.)

    This involving tale of destiny, passion, and death takes teenager Jack Lund from the mysterious town of Memory, Minnesota, to the steamy jungle of World War II Guadalcanal to the sterile walls of a secret government asylum-all because of a strange metal door that changes the lives of all who pass over its threshold. After a strange encounter with his dying grandfather, a teenage boy discovers a door that sends him fifty years into the past.鈥?/a>Looking for a young adult sci-fi book?
    Hmmm, it sounds familiar. Have you tries googling what you know of it? Or trying to find the place you read the book?
  • madden nfl 08
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  • Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?

    Condi Rice profess "No Recollection" of the meeting with then-CIA Director George J. Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black. In the meeting, both men assert that there is credible indication that al-Qaeda would soon attack the United States. This was two months before the attack on Sept 11th.

    Later, her schedule was pulled out and the meeting was indeed indicated between the three individuals.

    Now, Gonzales sounds like a broken record yapping about No Recollection about making this decision and meeting with that subordinate.

    Why is it that these White House individuals are so partial to selective amnesia?

    Is it indicative of their working ethics and capabilities?

    If you cannot remember things so significant (In Condi's case) or so recent (In Gonzales case), then why are you in that important and vital position?Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
    It worked for Reagan, so all republicans try it out.
    Very common. I remember even Reagan saying, "I don't remember" when asked about Iran-Contra (he said that while still president, just to be clear).Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
    Every time I try to use that as an excuse my kids threaten to put me in a home.Ahhhh senility is such bliss.
    It's always people from both parties.

    If it works, can't blame him. And it definitely works.Is it customary to just profess "No recollection" and hope that that will get you off the hook?
    His answers were so Clinton I loved every minute of it how does it feel Dem's
    This is customary when you have something to hide, and this administration is trying to hide their elephant behind an IPOD.

    At least one was honest when she took the 5th saying she feared she would incriminate herself by talking. This group has committed so many crimes and infractions, that if any one remembered anything, everything would shortly collapse like a house of cards.
    No If your name is Sandy Burglar then you can confess to stealing files to cover up for Clinton's 9/11 and get away with it even not having to recall what you stole.
    Well, they cannot be prosecuted for perjury in that case! They know there is at least some evidence out there to prove them to the contrary, so they answer vaguely in hopes that it will all go away (which seems to have worked for Bush)
    No recollection.
    gee, ask hillary, she did it how many hundred times?? after she had the distinct honor of being the first first lady to be summoned, lie, before a grand jury. what a joke you are. what a joke the clintons are.
    It worked for Bill and Monica and Hillary with her Rose Law firm records. Condi learned from the MASTERS!
    didn't have to recall two months before. french intelligence advised american government on 1 september. even sent photos of Atta at paris airport that morning.

    someday maybe the truth... .
    "Ah did not have sex with that women...not won tahm."

    Come on that was funny on Clinton time.

    Why should anyone answer to a douche bag like Pat Lehey.

    He is a shameful demagogue looking to get props from his peeps.

    Or is the bich lap dog doing what Pelosi told him to do?

    Good little doggy. What promise is the good little dog going to get in 2008. Pathetic!

    Dems are proud to take this country down and have Al Qaeda dictate so they can blame Bush.

    Your people are a disgrace!
    Our past adminstrations used it effectivily and so has many others. This administration sure isn't worse than the last!!! They just outright lied!
    Come on,.these people have so many meetings t would be impossible to remember a single one.

    Are you still on HS. OK, what did you discuss in History during first class in October of last year?? Come on??? Come on?? Why are you stalling. Surely you remember!!!
    I heard the phrase a lot when Clinton was in the whitehouse.