Saturday, March 3, 2012

A friend with amnesia...what should I do?

So, I just found out that one of my old friends got in a car accident and has amnesia. We arent really friends anymore because a month or so ago we got into a little arguement. She wanted to stay at my house for a few months while her boyfriend was deployed and I had family vistiting, so we didnt have the room, and we tried telling her NO, but she didnt understand. So, I ended up making up a lie because I didnt want to hurt her feelings. Anyway, she found out, and got pissed. I apologized twice, but she told me it was over.

But, I still feel bad she got in an accident, and I texted her to see if she is okay, and she said that she wants to talk tomorrow, and acted like nothing happened.

So, I feel bad..I dont want to just become friends with her again especailly if she dosnt remember what happened between us, and her and her boyfriend went and said a lot of hurtful things about me after that too, so I dont really know what to do?A friend with amnesia...what should I do?
i had a good answer but forgot

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